Mission #9
Kingsparrow Fort​
You can spend a lot of time exploring this massive level, or you can finish it all in a few minutes. This guide takes the quick way out. Explore further at your leisure, but there is no loot, since it's the last mission.
Climb up the rocks. Blink up to the watchtower and pull the whale oil tank to disable it, or sneak around it.
Go left to the harbor side and jump to the open porthole in the wall between the two platforms. Go in and unplug the whale oil tank at right.
Exit through the porthole again and go toward the beach side. Wait behind the crates and then sneak to the main entrance past the now-disabled wall of light.
Blink or jump over the gate and go right. Enter the second door on the rightmost wall. Keep going left until you reach the Gatehouse Drainage. Sneak around the guard there.
Drop down and get a rune (1/1) from inside the porthole. Climb back up. Use Possession on the guard halfway up the stairs, then choke him as he regains consciousness. Do the same with the second guard.
MFAS/ZRP. Of course, it's trivially easy to simply sneak past these guards, too.
Go all the way up to the tower gateway. Blink or sneak to the catwalk under the arc pylon, reach the other side, and use Bend Time to pass through unscathed.
ZRP. Crossing the catwalk without Blink is quite difficult, but possible. Wait until the guard halfway down the stairs is returning up to the elevator. When the guard on the catwalk behind you is also looking away, go up the stairs and quickly dip left and jump on top of the elevator before you're detected. This takes some luck, and you must make sure not to make the guards suspicious in any way, or it'll throw off their patrol routes and may close off the only brief window of opportunity that you have here.
Sneak into the elevator from the hatch on the top and quickly pull the lever.
Kingsparrow Lighthouse
At the top of the tower, sneak past the guards patrolling the walkway. Enter the building meeting no resistance.
alternatively, skip the walkway entirely: from the elevator that you used to get up here, blink up at left and on to the roof, then enter the lighthouse through the glass doors and go downstairs​
Let Havelock speak, then stun him and get the key from the table. Read his journal. If you get the key without stunning him, he will turn hostile and attack you.
​Special Action: Read Havelock's Journal​
Open the door to the left and rescue Emily for good.
​Special Action: Rescued Emily