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Mission #2



teal = apartments to loot          green = apartment being searched          pink = black market

red = bloodfly apartment          yellow = Hypatia's apartment          black X = sunken supplies

flesh and steel


Most levels can be done with or without powers. When no-powers makes a huge difference, it will be marked by by "FAS" in this guide, after the "Flesh And Steel" achievement. Unlike in Dishonored, this play style greatly affects your stealth gameplay experience.



As this guide is intended for a no-kill playthrough, it always results in low chaos. The few differences (such as more enemies, inaccessible areas, or different loot) will be marked in this guide as "High Chaos."



Like Dishonored, this game too can be played without interacting with NPCs: no detections, no bodies found, no alarms rung, and even no nonlethal takedowns: just don't touch anyone, in and out like a ghost. And you can even do all of this with no powers! Tricky, but possible.


Strategies for this play mode will be marked as "ZRP." Not all special actions are achievable, and of course some nonlethal takedowns are necessary when they're the only alternative to killing an NPC.



This guide ignores any blueprints, runes, or Emily-Corvo power mixtures that may be available to you from previous playthroughs.



  • Go through the Void. Accept the Outsider's Mark if you want to play with powers. Get two runes (1-2/10) and find the first Outsider Shrine (1/2).

    • I recommend that you acquire Agility first of all. It's the most important basic power for stealth play.

  • Get the crossbow from the door. Speak to Meagan. Read the sheet on the table to get the guest cabin side quest.

    • if you purchased the Pre-Order Edition, there will be two bone charms on the table by your bed: these do not count toward the final tally for this mission​

  • Loot the ship. Go out through the main cabin window, walk right on the hull, and enter the guest cabin through the window. Loot it, then break the planks blocking the door.

  • Equip the heart to see another rune (3/10) in the water. Jump down and swim to it. Speak to Meagan at the skiff.




  • Loot the harbor and pickpocket people. Get a rune (4/10) in the whale's mouth. Also collect some whalebone (if you're playing with powers) from the nearby table, from the other whale, and from two dumpsters on the streets.​

  • Jump into the water and swim to the buoy in the distance. Dive to recover a crate full of goodies; see location in the picture above (black X). This location can also be purchased or stolen as a map from the black market shop.​

  • Go back to the harbor. Climb to this building via the crates and enter through the window:

  • Rob the apartment. Stay away from the civilian or he'll spot you. Get a blueprint (1/2) from the safe.

  • Go back out. Hang left and onto the balcony. Jump to the large round fan, and from there to another balcony just around the corner. Enter the apartment from the window and get a painting (1/4) of High Overseer Campbell.

    • Fun fact: this painting has a bottle of brandy on the left, while the original painting in the first game didn't, as Corvo could have taken it during the prologue... so is this a fake instead of the original Sokolov?!​

  • Return to the harbor. Go all the way left until you reach this building:

  • Enter via the ground floor window. Kill bloodflies and pick up loot. On the second floor is a bone charm (1/6).

  • Go up to the third floor via the hole in the wall above a cabinet that blocks the door. Stun the nest keeper. There are sleep darts on the left of this room. Pick up the Black Market Key from inside the glass display with bloodflies.

    • ​Special Action: The Nest Keeper

    • ZRP. This nonlethal takedown is required in order to get this special action.

  • Return to the street level. Find the black market shop all the way to the left of the map, looking from the sea. Along the way, climb out the open window into a back alley and speak to Mindy Blanchard to start her side quest.

  • Buy upgrades at the shop, then open the metal door from the back alley with the key that you got from the nest keeper's apartment. Quietly rob the whole store, including a rune (5/10) if you're playing with powers.

    • ​Special Action: Black Market Heist

    • ZRP. There is no need to stun the shopkeeper. Just open the shutters from behind him and he will run away. Finish looting the store before he returns with a guard, which will take forever, so you've got plenty of time.

  • As a general rule for black market robberies, don't buy runes, maps, or any items that you need just one of. Also, you may want to wait until the end before you rob a shop, so that you are well stocked for the next mission... although this may require a good deal of backtracking.

  • Follow the blood-strewn street uphill to the wall of light. There is whalebone* at the bottom of the scaffolding-covered street to the right.

  • At the wall of light, two guards are about to execute a civilian, Rapollo. To prevent it, throw an object or fire a bolt at their feet while remaining hidden. If Rapollo makes it to the fish market unscathed, you've managed to save him.

    • ​Special Action: Push Come to Shove

    • High Chaos. Occasionally, civilians in the harbor will attack one another after you save Rapollo, which may make it longer for the guards to stop looking for you.


​Crossing the Wall of Light


  • There are six ways. Any will do if you have Blink or Far Reach. I recommend #3 if you're playing without powers.

    1. Directly. Switch off the windmill and cross on foot, but staying hidden is very tough, with or without powers.

    2. Bridge apartment. Blink up to the window by Delilah's banner (blue arrows). Unreachable without powers.

    3. Bloodfly-infested apartment. The boarded-up glass door, which is on the second floor, leads to the canals. If you choose this, you can also drop down from this balcony, walk behind a guard, and find yourself directly at Addermire Station. This, however, skips all the good loot in the canals area.

    4. Apartment being searched by Overseers. You can enter either from the balcony (green arrows in the picture below) or via the front door on the ground level just under it.

    5. Rooftops. Blink up the solarium roofs from the balconies at the farthest right edge of the map (to the right of the green arrows). Unreachable without powers.

    6. Rathole. Buy Possession instead of Agility at the beginning of the level, possess a rat near the windmill by the boardwalk, and go inside the open vent near the wall of light: it'll come out by the canals beyond the wall.

  • However you cross the wall, do visit the apartment being searched by the Overseers to get painting (2/4) of the Outsider, a bone charm (2/6) from a crack on the floor, and two runes (6-7/10) on the Outsider Shrine (2/2).

    • ZRP. There is no need to stun these two Overseers, whose back is almost constantly turned back to you.

  • From this apartment, you can also reach the rooftops easily. Open the closed window on the canal side and climb out onto the balcony. Go right and climb or blink your way up to the solarium roof.

    • FAS. Use the vents, pipes, and storefront canopies in the back alley to climb up. You have to take a running jump from the handrail on the balcony, which will temporarily alert an Overseer, but he won't detect you.

    • High Chaos. The back alley is sealed off due to bloodflies, and it is only accessible through a window just under the roof, or by breaking one of the solarium windows from above.

  • Once on the rooftops, go right and forward to the bloodfly-infested corpse to get a bone charm (3/8).

  • Get down on the other side of the roof via the canopies. Behind the preaching Overseer are a bone charm (4/8), a rune (8/10), and some whalebone*. Stay hidden as shown below and grab them; or use Far Reach/Pull as Emily.

  • There is a doctor's office building between the bloodfly-infested apartment and the main canal. It has minor loot inside, but if you're playing with powers it's a convenient way to cross the road quietly.
  • At one end of the main canal, below the Overseers' outpost, shoot the planks with a bolt to free up a rune (9/10), then grab it when it falls toward you. If you miss, find it in the water below. To go back up, wait until the Overseer who occasionally leans over the railing turns his back to you, then blink up.
    • FAS. When the Overseer above isn't looking, climb up on the low wooden platform where the dock worker is, then up on the crates, across the canal, over the railing, and behind the Overseer.


Overseer Outpost and Mindy's Side Quest


  • There are three ways into the Overseer outpost: (1) the balconies and open window above the preacher; (2) the front door behind the preacher; or (3) the rooftop from the nearby building. Once you're in, loot the whole place.

    • Ground floor​ and first floor. Negligible loot.

    • Second floor. Wait until the two Overseers are done talking about the music boxes. After one leaves, reach around the other to get the clue the safe combination from the table. The primer to decipher it is by the safe itself in the next room over. From inside the safe, get a rune (10/10) and some whalebone*. From the safe, sneak to the desk where the Overseer is sitting, hiding behind the typewriter. Grab a blueprint (2/2) from the desktop and a painting (3/4) of Vice Overseer Byrne from the wall; climb on top of the large hookah to stay undetected, then quickly dip to the stairwell, because the Overseer will notice the missing painting.​

    • Third floor. Wait until the two Overseers are done talking in the office by the interrogation room, then sneak in and shoplift the Interrogation Room Key from his belt. Loot the interrogation room, including a bone charm (5/6). Grab the body for Mindy.

    • Fourth floor. Nothing.

    • Attic. Exit on to the terrace and immediately climb up on the crates on the left, then on to the roof with the solarium. You can do this with the body without being seen; alternatively, just Blink up.

  • There are two options to bring the body to the drop-off site for Mindy.

    • Option #1. Climb up the balconies and canopies outside the Overseer outpost toward the carriage station. Turn right at the dentist sign and run downstairs into the alley. Time it right so that the civilians don't see you.

    • Option #2. From the attic, walk toward the mountain and the carriage station. From the corner on the farthest right, drop the body down so that it falls on the stairs to the alley; see picture below for the exact position.

  • Once you bring Mindy the body, she will switch off the carriage rails for you.

    • ​Special Action: A Fresh Grave


​​Addermire Station​


  • Loot the marketplace. There's a valuable statue in the shop at left: make sure the customer can't see you swipe it.

  • From the carriage rails, jump on to the broken balcony on the right. Get down and go right into the back alley.

  • Enter the big building and loot the safe store on the ground floor. Get Hypatia's Apartment Key.

  • The safe combination is in the cash register. Inside the safe are the last bone charm (6/6) and some loot.

    • ​Special Action: Try to Unlock Me

  • Go upstairs to Hypatia's apartment. Get Hypatia's Office Key and the last painting (4/4) of Hypatia herself.
    • ​You can also enter Hypatia's apartment by shooting the door or by blinking to her balcony from the rails.
    • ​Special Action: Hypatia's Apartment
  • From this apartment's balcony, shoot the elite guard on the station's roof across the street with a sleep dart.
    • ​Display Case Collectible: Elite Guard Helmet
    • ZRP.​ This nonlethal takedown is required in order to get this special action.

  • Ignore the entire station: it's full of guards and has minor loot. Blink across the street to the roof, drop down to the canopy above the carriage, and then into the carriage itself when the two guards aren't looking. Pull the lever.

    • FAS.​ Since you can't Blink to the roof, go back to the carriage station, walk onto the rails under the tunnel, and come out the other side. Climb up on the pipes at right and sneak to the carriage: the guards won't see you.


The screenshots below were taken during a No-Powers run, where there is no rune in the black market shop. Known glitch: occasionally, the game will say there are 11 possible runes, but that's an error: there's only 10.


Mission #3: The Good Doctor​

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