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Mission #7





  • Go into the manor, upstairs, and to the right. Meet Stilton in the music room and speak to the Outsider. Grab the Timepiece and equip it in a quick slot in place of a power, since you can't use powers here, even if you have them.

  • Still in the music room, travel to 1849 and get the Display Case Collectible: 1849 Calendar near the door. Time-shift to 1852 to walk out. Return to 1849 to walk out into the hallway, then back to 1852 to explore.


From here on out, I recommend that you explore in 1852 (the present) as much as possible, only traveling to 1849 (the past) to solve puzzles as needed. This also has the added benefit that if you loot something in the present you can loot it again in the past, but not the other way around.


  • Go to the foyer, then upstairs into the museum room. Get a rune (1/4). Travel to '49 to open the safe and loot it. Also loot Stilton's bedroom in both times.

  • In '52, cross to the other side of the foyer and loot the small music room on the left in both times; in '49 there's a maid and a guard, so watch out.

  • Go to the main dining chamber. In '49, pull the leftmost and rightmost levers on the balcony to the far right of the room. This will raise the chandeliers above the dining room in this position:

  • Jump to the farthest chandelier, travel to '52, and climb into the cracked ceiling. Get a bone charm (1/7).

  • Go back down and hide under the table as shown below. Travel to '49 and steal the Master Key from the chair.

    • ​Special Action: Under the Table

  • In '52, exit the dining room and walk the hallway to the vault. Shift to '49 and loot the vault, including a blueprint (1/1) and a painting (1/2) of a Weeper.

  • Shoot the statue's red support to make it drop, which opens a passage in the present. Shift to '52 to exit the vault.

  • Stand in front of the desk pictured below in '52, then shift to '49 and go under it. Shift back to '52. This allows you to enter the boiler room, which is locked otherwise.

  • In '49, place the dead hound in the boiler and switch it on with the red button. This reveals the safe combination in '52: look at the safe door on the floor. Use the combination in '49 to open the safe and get a bone charm (2/7).

  • In '52, exit the boiler room and go left to the large bloodfly-infested courtyard. Downstairs, kill two hounds and hide their bodies in the boiler room. Upstairs, stun two nestkeepers and destroy all the nests.

  • Go to the elevator that's overgrown with vines. Shift to '49 and enter through the top hatch via the overhead flower beds. You can do this on either floor, but there are no guards on the second.

  • Drop down into the elevator, shift to '52, and get a bone charm (3/7). Explore the basement. Peek into '49 with your Timepiece and wait for the elite guards to finish stashing some silver in the cellar behind a cracked wall.

  • When the guards walk away, get the red crank wheel from the shelves left of the cracked wall and throw it inside the cellar. Shift to '52 and get into the hole. Grab the wheel, swim down, attach it to the valve, and drain the water from the cellar. Get a rune (2/4) from the crates as they are lowered to the floor.

    • ​Special Action: Leaky Basement

  • Grab the silver ingots in '52, then shift to '49 and get them again. Of course, this won't work the other way around!

  • Return to the central courtyard. Walk to the smaller inner courtyard with a wooden balcony and pipes all around. There are two elite guards flirting and saying that the balcony hasn't been repaired yet.

  • In '49, hide behind a pillar and shoot one of the balcony's red supports with your crossbow. Quickly shift to '52 and move to the other side of the yard while the guards search. Do the same thing with the other support.

    • Special Action: Collapsed Balcony

  • Now you have a way to climb up to the library in '52. The only thing worth getting in '49 is a painting (2/2) of the Royal Torturer, plus some darts in the nearby office.

  • In '52, walk across the pipes to the other side of the yard. Enter the photography studio via the missing window. Climb up on top of the projection screen. Shift to '49 and grab a rune (3/4) from this position:

  • Return to the promenade overlooking the large courtyard. In '52, stand behind the elite guard with his back to the backyard door. Shift to '49 and quickly exit into the backyard.

  • Go either right or left and climb onto the scaffolding. Shift to '52. Shoot the bloodfly nests on the scaffolding with incendiary bolts. Ignore the hounds or kill them with bolts, but make sure they don't see the others' bodies.

  • Jump down to the railing of the gazebo and peek into '49, as shown here:

  • Wait for the guard on the terrace to walk away. Shift to '49, quickly sleep-dart Stilton, grab him, and jump over the railing. Hide his body on the rocks below the gazebo. It won't be found.

    • Special Action: A Mind Made Whole​

  • The combination to Stilton's study is here on this table, but you do not need it. Shift back to '52.​​




  • The manor is different now. Stilton never took part in the séance, never went mad, and just moved out.

  • There's minor loot throughout the manor and a bone charm (4/7) in Stilton's new office above the main courtyard. You can also re-loot the safe in the vault and the safe in the miners' museum.

    • Special Action: A Better Today

  • Go to Stilton's old study in the altered '52. Break the boards to get in. This is the only way to access the study without the combination.

    • ​Special Action: Temporal Investigator

  • The timepiece doesn't work here, so you're in '49. Collect some loot and watch the séance take place.

  • Unfortunately, you must exit the study in '49. Press the red button to open the doors. Wait inside. The elite guard will investigate. Wait until he looks away, then step out of the study and quickly shift to '52.

  • Exit the manor from the front door. Navigate through the Void and return to the Dust District.

  • Since you've changed the present from the past, the Dust District is also different now. Get a bone charm (5/7) in Lucia Pastor's office, another bone charm (6/7) in the sink atop the building with the windmill, and a rune (4/4) on the wooden triangular scaffolding that used to be patrolled by an elite guard in the previous timeline.

  • Go back to the skiff via Batista Overlook, collect one last bone charm (7/7) from a crate, and leave.


Mission #8: The Grand Palace

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