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Part Two
Second  and  Third Runs
escape with all five characters in the same run and finish their story objectives

Run II
JOAN   ·   RILEY   ·   3 VIJAY   ·   4 CLAIRE   ·   5 ANDRIUS

click on each character to jump to their section


Joan Winslow

The Engineer


SATELLITE   run 2, sixth visit

  • Listen to Basilisk's call, which discusses the hot mic accident and foreshadows future events...

  • Create as thorough a loadout as possible! You should have over 150,000 sim points by now, so you can buy all you need from the Ready Room. Also, other characters won't need these points in this run, so go all out now.

  • For Joan, I recommend (if you have the fab plans):

    • Shotgun, pistol, and Q-Beam, plus the psychostatic cutter, a great alternative to expensive nullwave charges.

    • Nullwave charges, recycler charges, gloo charges (to put out fires without having to lug around the gloo gun), and typhon spores (the only one-shot option against the Moon Shark).

    • At least 3-4 Delay_Loop.Time to get you started; you'll make more.

    • The Artax Propulsion System and the Psychoscope.

    • Chips that suit your play style. I use Potentializer (+PSI and PSI regen), Optimizer (-PSI cost), BO1 (+health), Integral Structor (+integrity), Micro Miner (+sim points), and of course the ARTX Gen 1 (+boost).

    • Do not bring a stun gun or EMP charges. Joan's Electrostatic Burst typhon ability makes these redundant.

    • Do not bring neuromods. They're abundant in the sim and Joan shouldn't need any more by now.


  • Much of the same applies to this run as to the previous one. However:

    • One area may be without power. If this happens, restore​ power from the Command Center power control room. Use two control modules, which may be extracted from Harvesters you destroy, fabricated (if you have the plans), or repaired (if you find broken ones and have Repair II or III, depending on the corruption level).

    • Dead characters may be resurrected by weavers as elemental phantoms. This doesn't matter, as you shouldn't plan to die in the sim at all. If you do, simply quit and reload from the latest automatic save/checkpoint.

    • Corruption level increases faster, though it's still amply manageable.

    • The Moon Shark appears right away, even at level one, which is a great source of sim points.

  • Go through the Crater as before, looting as much as possible and recycling to obtain materials. Although you have  a lot of sim points for rich loadouts between turns, your recycled materials reset and you gotta build them back up.

  • Kruse's corpse in the crater access hallway still has an Artax Propulsion System. Since Joan's turns are the longest, I recommend grabbing this now if you don't have the fab plan.

    • If you find more later, leave them for the next character to find and make a note of where you saw them.

  • Oduye's corpse no longer carries a stun gun, but she does still have a neuromod and often some other weapon.

  • All crates and briefcases, including gold ones, are in the same places as before, and their contents have respawned.

  • In the Command Center, check the power control room downstairs to see if any control modules are missing.

  • In the observation room upstairs, leave as many functioning control modules inside a crate or on the floor. Weaker characters, like Andrius and Claire, will need them during their run to eliminate typhon quickly using the towers.

    • Riley will also need two modules to complete her story objective from this room.​

  • A good strategy for quick points is to clear the entire crater at corruption level 1, go stand near the entrance to one of the other areas while it increases to 2, and go back out and clear all the typhon that have respawned, including the Moon Shark. They're relatively easy for a fully-spec'd Joan, but they still rack up a lot of points.

  • Joan's memory marker is in Crew Annex, so go there. Clear the area as you did the first time around. I recommend doing this at corruption level 3 or 4 to strike a good balance between difficulty and sim points, but it's up to you.

Joan's Story Objective: A Little Bird Told Me



  • In Ken Mizuki's office in the executive wing, click on the purple marker for Joan's backstory. This replenishes all health, integrity, and PSI.

  • Listen to Ken's Transcribe. The password to his terminal is behind a box under the desk behind his chair, along with some neuromods.



  • Go to Typhon Containment. Open the "A" area from the terminal in the Containment Control room. Kill Brian Chung's phantom and obtain the Habitation Modules 25-32 Keycard from his remains.

    • Known bug. If his remains disappear, as they could, you must reload the latest save.



  • Go to Habs 25-32. Find Chung's Transcribe  on the desk with the computer terminal on it, and grab the last piece of the statue that he was making: a small bird, in honor of Joan.

  • The corruption level should be rising toward 4-5 by this point, so be sure you keep it in check depending on your needs.



  • Go to the Tram Station. If the tram is  offline, you must enter Moonworks via the crater.

  • Simply click on the statue to complete it. This fulfills Joan's story objective, and now you're done with this character.

  • Before you leave the sim, make sure you do four things:

  1. Repair the mimic portal in Pytheas Labs.​ It's in the Isolation Chamber lab near Weapons Research, next to all the shoes. Only Joan can do this, and if she doesn't, then Andrius won't be able to escape via the portal.

  2. Repair any areas that other characters can use. Trauma centers and other annexes are obvious choices, but also doors, the grav shaft in Moonworks, and any dangerous broken electrical junctions.

  3. Load supplies in the Mass Driver. Whoever uses the driver to escape, be it Joan or another character, there won't be any more food, drinks, or anti-rad pills after Joan has looted everything, so this must be done now.

  4. Load the Companion Operator. Repair your weapons so the next turn starts at 100% integrity. If you find a weapon whose fab plan you lack, reverse-engineer it... unless you still don't have the fab plans for neuromods and the time artifact, which take priority. For example, if Joan found an elite shotgun but you only have the fab plan for a regular shotgun, it may be a good idea to sacrifice the elite so that the next turns can keep fabricating elite shotguns when the first one inevitably breaks.

  • Escape the sim however you want, but do not use the escape pod! Leave that one for Claire, whose story objective is not yet unlocked. (Same for Andrius, but you wouldn't be able to use the mimic portal as Joan anyway, as Claire is needed to hack the computer that unlocks the door).


Riley Yu

The Director


  • Load up from the Companion Operator and purchase whatever abilities you want. Riley's staple is Psychoshock, which at level 3 can one-shot most phantoms and severely harm other typhon, so I recommend you prioritize that.

  • Go straight to the Command Center, where Riley's story objective can be completed in a matter of seconds.

Director Riley Yu's Story Objective: Test Fire



  • Activate the memory marker in the upstairs observation room of the Command Center.

  • Find Benson's body, listen to his Transcribe, and find the control modules that Joan should have left for you. If she didn't, fabricate some. If you lack the fab plan, kill two Harvesters or take them from the power control room.

  • Install the modules in the slots corresponding to any one of the three typhon towers: Crew Annex access, Pytheas Labs access, Moonworks access. Then flip the switch to instantly kill all the typhon in that area. This burns out all the modules you just plugged in.



  • From now on, other characters can do this too. This is why it's important to do this as early as possible into the second run.

    • Follow the tips above for other characters as well: fabricate or obtain modules​, plug them in, fire them up, etc. Easy sim points!

  • Before you leave the sim, make sure you do four things:

  1. Unlock volunteer cell #3 from Riley's terminal.​ If you're going to escape by uploading your consciousness again, which makes the most sense, you'll already be here on your way out anyway.

  2. Loot organs, tumors, and spores from dead typhon. This is especially important if you plan to fabricate a lot of neuromods, which use large amounts of exotic materials. Riley needs the Necropsy ability to do this. The typhon spores from nests and Moon Sharks can be important, too, as they are the heaviest weapon in the game.

  3. Load the Companion Operator.

  • Escape the sim however you want, except through the escape pod.


Vijay Bhatia

The Security Officer


SATELLITE   run 2, seventh visit

  • Perform the oxygen test, which again foreshadows the possibility that you will be needing this soon...

  • Reenter the sim.

Vijay's Story Objective: It Gets Worse



  • Activate the memory marker in the Security Habs, on Vijay's pod next to his terminal.

  • Listen to the conversation with Riley. Go to the shuttle control security booth upstairs and use that terminal to track down Claire, whose bracelet is always in Moonworks.



  • Enter Claire's maintenance closet on the far left end of the quarry, under Chung's office.

  • Find the bodies for Tanner, Fletcher, Welles, Billings, and Pendleton, plus the bracelet for Claire Whitten herself.

  • Click on the terminal to speak to Claire... and get poisoned. The timer begins, but you must wait until the end of the conversation to leave.

    • You can also avoid being poisoned!​ As soon as you click on the terminal, quickly jump backwards and out of the way. The game will play out the same, but you can avoid searching for the antidote.



  • The antidote is all the way back in the crater access, in a crate outside ventilation storage, where you started the game. Regardless of the corruption level, it's usually guarded by high-level typhon, like a weaver and a Moon Shark.

  • Inject the antidote right away, which for some reason also prolongs the timer to find Claire...



  • Go to the Flight Control Tower at the top level of this area. Claire will call you from the escape pod she's in.

  • Click on the terminal to remote-detonate her pod. If you let her leave, or if you don't get here in time the objective fails.

  • Before you leave the sim, make sure you do four things:

  1. Kill all typhon everywhere. This is important especially if you're at corruption levels 4 or 5 now, as Vijay is much more capable of dealing with them than either Claire or Andrius.

  2. Unlock all security terminals. There's one in each area, just outside the security booth: in flight control in Crew Annex, near the tram station in Moonworks, and underneath Riley's office in Pytheas Labs. This will allow other characters to request and use security operators, which can be tremendous help against the typhon.

  3. Collect the neuromods from volunteer cell #3 in Pytheas Labs, which Riley unlocked in the previous turn.

  4. Load the Companion Operator.

  • Escape the sim however you want, except through the escape pod.

New Character Unlocked

Claire Whitten, "Custodian"


Claire Whitten

The Custodian and Spy



  • Invest sim points in neuromods. This is worth doing for a new character whose abilities are all yet to unlock. (You can skip this step if you've already got at least 20-30 neuromods inside the sim).

  • Recover the items from the Companion Operator.

  • Purchase Hacking IV. This requires 19 neuromods. Mobility I and II are also useful for a weak build like Claire.

  • Go to each area and hack anything that is hackable. Security operator dispensers everywhere are all hackable.


  • The annex is the only area that may require hacking. If it's a trauma center, Andrius may need it. If it's engineering or a storage closet, Claire herself may need the Escape Pod Navigation Chip from it (assuming you don't have the fab plan for it yet). There are no safes, keycodes, or other hackable items in the Crater, except for turrets.


  • Riley Yu's and Kenneth McAlister's private suites between the habs may be code-locked with no other way in.

    • On Riley's desk, under a book, is the keycode for the safe in Alex Yu's office in the executive area upstairs.

  • The maintenance closet with the fabricator and recycler may be code-locked, although it can also be accessed from behind via a crawlspace from the bathrooms.

  • The kitchen and/or the pantry may be code-locked, although they can also be accessed from behind via a crawlspace from behind the Teleconferencing booths.

  • The safe in Alex Yu's office upstairs is code-locked, although it can be opened with the keycode; see above.

  • The annex by the tram station may be code-locked with no other way in.


  • Hack the Mimic Portal terminal! This is essential and must be done by Claire before Andrius' second turn. After you hack the terminal, leave it be: Andrius can take it from here.

  • The storage closet inside the Psychotronics Weapons Research Lab may be code-locked with no other way in.

  • Any of the four labs may be code-locked, although they may also be unlocked from the security terminal upstairs.

  • The weapons closet inside the Security Booth upstairs may be code-locked with no other way in.

  • The annex next to the bathrooms may be code-locked with no other way in.

  • The storage room in the escape pods foyer may be code-locked with no other way in.

  • You can hack Riley Yu's terminal in her office and unlock volunteer cell #3 downstairs if you forgot to do so with Riley in the previous turn.


  • Brian Chung's office may be code-locked, although it is also accessible via the broken window.

  • The annex that connects the quarry and the refinery may be code-locked with no other way in.

  • Three shipping containers in the refinery are code-locked with no other way in. One contains two turrets.

  • The refinery safe in Joan's office is code-locked and the code cannot be found anywhere... or, at least, I can't find it.

  • One of the two entrances to the escape pods foyer may be code-locked, although the other always has a keycard that is on one of the corpses in the refinery. The foyer may also be accessed via the crawlspace above it.

  • The storage room in the escape pods foyer may be code-locked with no other way in.

  • The mining foreman's office in the crater access hallway may be code-locked with no other way in.

  • The safe in the harvester ops office, which is in the mass driver area at the top, is code-locked with no other way in.

Escape with the escape pod to unlock Claire's story objective, "Clean Sweep."


The Volunteer

Andrius Alekna



  • Unless you want to rack up points and you have fun playing as Andrius, ignore everything, go straight to Pytheas Labs, and access the terminal in the mimic portal room.

  • Click on "Open Door," then on "Stabilize Portal," and finally just walk into the mimic portal to escape.

  • There is no need to load up the Companion Operator, since the simulation will reset after this.

Andrius' story objective, "It's All In Your Head," is now unlocked. Also, this is the earliest you can escape with all five crew members in the same run and unlock the "No One Left Behind" achievement.

Third and final Run


Claire Whitten

The Custodian and Spy



  • Invest sim points in Delay_Loop.Time. The sim has reset, and ideally you want to keep it at corruption level 1, since Claire is not a great combat character.

  • Enter MoonWorks from the Crater as soon as you can, restoring power to it beforehand if you need to.

Claire's Story Objective: Clean Sweep



  • Activate the memory marker, which is in the Maintenance Closet in the quarry. Witness Claire receive her orders from Basilisk.

  • Pick up the Kasma Transponder from the shelves near the entrance, and recycle it with the recycler in Brian Chung's office.



  • When you're done in MoonWorks, return to the Crater.

  • The Listening Device is in the observation room of the command center, in the alcove on top of the recycler. Recycle this one too and move on to the next area.



  • The next Listening Device is in Alex Yu's safe. This can be hacked, or the code is in Riley Yu's cabin downstairs, under a book on her desk.

  • Listen to conversation between Alex and Vijay from Alex's Transcribe in the safe.

  • Recycle the device in the closet downstairs.



  • After Claire receives Basilisk's further orders, go to Riley Yu's office and put Claire's own Command Key inside Riley's data vault operator, which is on the top floor.

  • This will kill Riley when she emulates her consciousness.

  • Security operators are everywhere now. Fight them on your way out. Since all escape methods are available (except for consciousness emulation of course), I suggest using whatever is closest. E.g., if the escape pod happens to be in Pytheas Labs, use that one. If not, the shuttle in Crew is probably the most easily accessible.

  • Either way, simply escape as Claire to complete this turn.


The Volunteer

Andrius Alekna



  • Here there's no need to invest in Delay_Loop.Time to keep the corruption level low, since Andrius' story objective artificially raises it to 4 anyway.

Andrius' Story Objective: It's All in Your Head



  • Activate the memory marker in Holding Cell 5. The door unlocks from the security booth's terminal overlooking all cells, and the further forcefield is lowered by pressing the button.

  • Activating the marker raised the corruption level to 4. Typhon are now friendly. Don't kill more than one, or you will fail.



  • If Alexei's Toy is in MoonWorks, it will be in Joan's office, near the refinery safe.

  • If it's in Crew Annex, instead, it will be in the weight room of the fitness center.

  • Either way, the escape pod will be in whatever area the toy wasn't, so just go to it. Andrius doesn't need a navigation chip for this one.

  • When you reach the escape pod, lock yourself inside it and press the button to launch. While Andrius dies, this is fine, since the goal of this turn was not to escape the simulation but merely to finish the last story objective.

Satellite   run 3, eighth and final visit

  • Listen to Basilisk, do what you're told, and watch the ending cutscene!


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