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Mission #0



Daud's Base


  • Whether you defeat Corvo is irrelevant, but if you do you earn the Special Action: Defeated Corvo in a Dream. There are two runes, one corrupted charm, and 500 coins. Collect everything, then speak to Thomas to leave.
























Mission #1



Favors: misplaced rune and Overseer Daud disguise. Items: none. Upgrades: none.


Coldridge Prison


  • If you finished The Knife of Dunwall, you should have at least two runes left. The new power in The Brigmore Witches is Pull, which is very useful, so I recommend that you acquire Pull right now.

  • Enter the prison through the control room while disguised as an Overseer. Wait for the guard at left to walk away, and then sneak into the side courtyard on the left.

  • Magic does not work outside. Stay low and walk around the courtyard as the executions take place, looting at will. Get a bone charm (1/2) from under the gallows. Sneak back out before the executions are done.

  • Go left through the entryway and inner courtyard. Find a corrupted charm (1/1) in the leftmost corner.

  • Go straight to the interrogation room. Listen to the audiograph and collect some loot, including a rune (1/2) and the Brigmore Chest Key, which will be useful in the last mission.

    • ​Special Action: Learned about the Brigmore Witch Interrogation

  • Blink or run-jump up to the tall fence, and then down into cell block B. Tour all the cell blocks, avoiding patrols and taking note of which cells you're interested in.

    • if you need to stun a guard, hide his body at the top of the central stairwell, where patrols never look

  • No need to read the log in the guard post on the bottom floor: you can find out Lizzy Stride's location by looking. Her location is randomly determined. Other cells remain the same. Cells A10, A11, A13, A21, and A25 have loot.

    • if you chose the nonlethal option in the mission "Eminent Domain" from The Knife of Dunwall, cell A04 now holds Barrister Timsh: he offers to pay you if you free him, but if you do the guards will kill him

  • Return to the interrogation room. Walk upstairs and on the walkway, avoiding the guard. Go right and climb up to the roof of the walkway to get significant loot.

  • Inside the control room, open the cells you want with the controls. Instructions are on a sheet on the console.

  • Return to loot the cells you've opened, including a corrupted charm (2/2) and a blueprint for Baffle Dust.

  • Speak to Lizzy, release her shackles, and carry her out. There are two ways to reach the exit foyer:

    • 1) Blink or jump back across the tall fence and to the control room. Blink to the top of the vent on the other side of the inner courtyard.

    • 2) Go to the leftmost walkway on the third floor of the cell block, then drop down from the tall fence and land to the right of the enclosed guard post.

  • In the exit foyer, stay on the pipes all the way to the exit. You may have to let Lizzy down to stun the guards in the control room, if needed, and if so, hide their bodies on top of the pipes.

  • Once outside, quickly go right to avoid being seen by the guards inside and on the bridge.

  • At the bottom of the staircase is the rune (2/2) as per the favor you purchased. Go to the sewer to exit the level.

    • ​Special Action: Maintained Overseer Disguise, Leaving No Evidence Behind


Mission #2: The Dead Eels

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