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Mission #2


​Favors: all of them. Items: none. Upgrades: Baffle Dust.



Drapers' Ward​


  • Wait for the gangs to battle it out. When they're done, carry a male corpse and a female one to the second floor, the mechanic's apartment, via the broken balcony. Read the Granny Rags recipe.

    • if one of the genders isn't there, you'll have the chance to get one later

  • From the mechanic's apartment, blink or climb up to the mall's solarium roof. Collect a corrupted charm (1/3).

  • Get down, hug the right side, and go around to the Dead Eels side of the river. Take the first right and climb into the apartment through the window. Buy a bone charm (1/5) from Jerome the scavenger and loot his apartment.

  • Find the Abandoned Vault Key and the Wedding Ring in the bushes just outside:
























  • Blink or climb up to the dressmaker's apartment via a vent shaft on the left of the bush with the ring. Be careful not to alert the two Dead Eels patrolling the roof. Listen to his story and loot his apartment, including a rune (1/7).

  • Climb down and go the harbor via the door on the far right.




  • Avoid the two Dead Eels and blink up to the apartment through the open window. In the distance, see a Brigmore Witch who's watching over the harbor.

    • You can use Bend Time as you enter this ​apartment, then immediately blink to where the witch is standing and choke or sleep-dart her. This gains you the Special Action: Dealt with the Brigmore Witch Scout.

  • Get a corrupted charm (2/3) where the witch was standing, atop a low flat building with a large pipe in front of it.

  • Follow the big pipe to the Undine. Jump into the water and find the hatch on the underside. Swim up and choke or sleep-dart Wakefield, who's in the cargo hold.

    • ZRP. This nonlethal takedown is required to advance the story.​

  • Speak to Lizzy on the deck to get your mission. Now you can explore and loot the harbor, which includes:

    • Bone charm (2/5): in the sunken crate left of the Undine, as per the favor you purchased.

    • Bone charm (3/5): under the boat right of the Undine, by a corpse.

    • Rune (2/7): in the train station: blink over tripwire and stun the Weeper, or trigger the tripwire and don't get hit by the bolt so the Weeper doesn't know you're there.

    • Rune (3/7): dive under the building left of the Undine patrolled by two Dead Eels, swim down the tunnel, up through the hole in the floor, and find the rune (and much loot) by an Outsider Shrine (1/2).


Drapers' Ward​


  • Go back to Drapers' Ward and explore the Dead Eels side of the river. Find a rune (4/7) under the bridge at the far left, as per the favor you purchased.

  • Use chokedust on the Hatters guarding the safe on the river bank, then open it with the key from the bushes.

    • alternatively, use Bend Time to do this; you can also shoot a bolt to the other side of the river so that they come investigate and run into the Dead Eels, who will kill them for you 

  • Go back to Granny's apartment and place the wedding ring on the tray to finish the recipe. Collect a rune (5/7).

    • ​Special Action: Completed Granny's Recipe

    • Now you can acquire Agility II or Pull II. Neither is a game-changer, so pick what you will.

  • Go back inside the mall. Use Bend Time, pickpocket a Hatter to get the arc pylon box key, pull the whale oil tank to disable the arc pylon, and blink back up. Go down and enter the Textile Mill with the password, "Whalebone."

    • ZRP. From the catwalk just above the pylon, you can hug the left wall to the large rolls of fabric in the corner, wait for the Hatter to walk away, and then sneak to the door: all of this is outside the arc pylon's range.


Textile Mill


  • Climb up on the roofs to the left, jump into the canal, and swim under the large mill wheel to pass the wall of light.

  • Emerge inside the mill and climb up to the pipes near the ceiling. Go left and sneak upstairs to the main office on the second floor, avoiding Hatter patrols as needed. Make a deal with Nurse Trimble to render the Hatters neutral.

  • Go up one floor to Trimble's lab. Get the Audiograph from under the pillow on the bed. Put it in the reader to open a secret vault. Get loot and the Antitoxin Formula (which, however, you won't need in this guide).​

    • If you did want to make the antitoxin, you need three ingredients, an oxbrush plant that you can purchase from Jerome, a bull rat fetus that you can find in the basement, and some salts that you can find on the factory floor. Bring an empty vial to the still to make the antitoxin, and then pick it up to drink it. You only need to do all this if you plan to kill the Geezer, and a whole lot of Hatters along with him.

  • Loot the rest of the mill as you please. There's quite a few items, including a bone charm (4/5) from a guard post near the barred-up window.

  • Go to the basement. A laborer will be there if you've rescued him from Rothwild Slaughterhouse in The Knife of Dunwall and if you've purchased the corresponding favor here. Also get loot and a rune (6/7).

  • Go to the sewers via the door at the bottom of the channel with the mill wheel.




  • Kill a lot of river krusts and loot them for pearls. Watch out for rats, too. Take the left tunnel near the half-eaten corpse. The door on the right is locked for now.

  • In the large pipe room, ignore the begging woman, who is actually a witch. Go to the other side.

  • Stand on the planks behind the witch who is talking to Delilah's statue. Shoot a bolt on the planks and you'll fall in. Hide in the nearby sewer and the witch won't see you. Get a corrupted charm (3/3) and kill the rats.

  • Climb back up and return to the pipe room: the witch is gone and so is the fake begging woman. Turn the crank and hug the right wall to avoid the two witches who are waiting here.

  • Take the tunnel at right and get the Mechanic's Apartment Key from near the corpse: it opens the locked closet on the second floor of the apartment with Granny's recipe, which contains the combination to the room with the engine coil. If you want, you can just leave the sewers now and skip the rest of this section.

  • Take the left tunnel and follow it to the end to find the last bone charm (5/5).

  • Crouch under the door to enter the control room. There are two witches here, whom you can stun or ignore.

  • Get the Wrench and some loot from the room under the large wheels, where are three Weepers. Two options now:

    • 1) Sleep-dart the Weepers and hit the vines with your sword. The witches won't notice.

    • ​2) Standing by the right-hand staircase, zoom in with your spyglass and shoot a vine with a bolt. While the witches and the Weepers run to it, go to the other side and do the same there.​
  • Insert the wrench in the control panel at the very end of the room, between the wheels, and restore the water flow.

    • ​Special Action: Restored Water to the Canal

  • Go back down under the wheels, grab a whale oil tank from under the stairs, and take the side door. Use the oil tank to power up the ventilation system, turn it on, and wait for a vent to explode. Go through the new passage.

  • Pick up the Maintenance Key on the table by the corpse. Climb up through a hole in the the wall on the right. Get the last rune (7/7) on the Outsider Shrine (2/2).

  • Return to the beginning and exit the sewers the way you came in.

  • In the Textile Mill, return to Nurse Trimble to get the basement combination. Go down, enter the combination, and get the Engine Coil. Return to the harbor.

  • In the Harbor, replace the coil and speak to Lizzy, then fire the engine to go to Brigmore Manor.

    • if you didn't stun the witch scout earlier, three witches will attack as soon as you plug in the engine coil: stay out of sight and let the Dead Eels dispose of them quickly


Mission #3: Delilah's Masterwork

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