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Mission #3



S = bank sewer entrance          R = bank roof entrance          T = trash chute

C = The Spector Club          B = black market shop


  • Do the briefing with Daud on the Dreadful Wale. Be sure to read/inspect every document on the table. Take the skiff to the Upper Cyria District.

  • Get a bone charm (1/11) from the riverside shack with the drunk man sleeping inside.

  • Dive under the boat to retrieve the Boat Key from the corpse. Loot the boat, including a bone charm (2/11) and a painting (1/4) of Luca Abele.

    • Contract: The Art Connoisseur

    • Special Action:​ An Eye for Art

  • Go to the black market shop (B). See the contracts and make your purchases. Buy the Charged Shot upgrade.

  • Speak to Teresa Cienfuegos in the building above the black market shop. Learn about the auction.

  • Go to Colibron Plaza (#1) via the staircase as in the previous level. Use Semblance on the man by the covered crates (pink circle in the picture below). Displace to the balcony up on the right and hide his body in the sitting room.

  • Take a seat and participate in the auction. You should win it for 400-500 coins. Collect the Poppy Tincture and a painting (2/4) from the desk on the left. There's some loot behind the stage on both sides, too.

    • Alternatively, purchase the tincture for 800 coins at the black market shop.

    • Alternatively, steal the tincture from the black market shop; see below for instructions on robbing it.

    • Alternatively, you can steal everything from the auction table without participating at all. Don't use Semblance on the man, and instead Displace to the back of the stage. Stand behind the painting (which is on the right side of the stage before the auction begins), snatch the tincture and the painting, and leave. If you steal the valuable sculpture from behind the desk, a guard will be alerted when they see it missing.

      • NP. Follow the picture sequence below. It's a similar route as for Jacobi's key in the previous level, but  this time dropping in from above the stage. The exit strategy is similar, too.

  • There is minor loot and lore in several locations that you visited in the previous level:

    • Collect a bone charm (3/11) from the roof of the tall green building near the carriage station (#6) and another bone charm (4/11) from the roof of the red building where the dentist office is.
      • There is a glitch whereby if you displace from the red building to the green, but not the other way around, an Eyeless will appear and attack you.​ But this doesn't happen if you sneak the whole time! Weird.
      • NP. There is still no way to get to the green building, so either make an exception or miss this bone charm.
    • Check out Jacobi's office along the boulevard. Stun the Eyeless with a hyperbaric grenade and grab minor loot.
    • There's minor loot in the Red Camellia tattoo parlor and in the Spector Club (C).
    • Shan Yun's house is closed regardless of what you did in the previous level.

Three Ways to Enter the Bank


    • First, visit the bank custodian apartment above the taxidermy shop. Learn that he was headed for the cliffs.

    • Go to the bank plaza via the same method as in the previous mission. Go all the way right and over the wall. Get the Sanitation Key from near the custodian's body on the cliffs. There is also a valuable watch nearby.

    • Go to the other side of the plaza, avoiding the patrolling guard and hound. Enter the sanitation area behind the whale oil tank dispenser.

      • Alternatively -- you don't need the key at all. From the whale oil dispenser, jump on top of the canopy and then clear over the fence; see the first picture below. This is easy even without powers.

    • Climb into the dumpster. Shoot the red button at right with a voltaic shot.

    • This puts you on the bank first floor, on the Accounting level near the public lobby and the inner atrium.


    • Cross the bank plaza as usual. Sneak left, go down the staircase, and enter the maintenance area that's below the main entrance. Grab the Wrench from the floor behind the maintenance worker.

    • There are two hatches to open with the wrench, one on each side of the main entrance. One is guarded by a hound (which you can kill or ignore when it moves away periodically) and one by an elite guard (who you must stun). Open both hatches with the wrench and turn the crank-wheel inside.

    • Return to the maintenance area. The door to the sewers has lifted.

    • This puts you on the bank first floor, on the Accounting level near the public lobby and the inner atrium.


    • Cross the bank plaza as usual. Go left to the sanitation area as explained above. Get a full whale oil tank.

    • Go to the cliffs on the other side, avoiding the hound (or killing it + hiding the body) and the patrolling guard.

      • You can also snipe the hound from afar when the guard is on the other side, and then hide its body as soon as you get there. The dumpster​ in the sanitation area is a convenient place to stash it.

    • Replace the spent whale oil tank with the full one to power the painters' lift. Pull the lever to go up to the roof.

      • There is a frequent bug here: if you save/reload while the lift is ascending, it will ascend far above what was intended, which while cool may make it lethal to try and get down from it...​

    • Displace or run-jump to the roof. Go right. Get a bone charm (5/11) from a table. Sneak around the guards and get to the left side of the roof, as in the second picture below.

  • Drop the Poppy Tincture down the chute on the opposite side of the roof, near the male elite guard.

    • Special Action: A Pleasant Slumber

  • There are two ways in from here: (1) via the open green vent near the female elite guard and the low-ranked patrol; (2) via the door near the male elite guard. Both entrances put you on the bank third floor, directly in the stairwell.



Pink dot: painting of the Void              Red dot: Captain Peña              Yellow dot: wall of light control room

  • There are many ways to navigate the bank. This guide:

    • assumes that you used the poppy tincture above and put everyone to sleep

    • assumes that you entered through one of the roof entrances

    • completes "Quiet As A Mouse" and all other contracts and special actions

    • obtains the "Perfect Crime" and "Party Crasher" achievements

    • doesn't stun anyone and ignores all security systems

      • You can set several additional ​goals for yourself. For example, you can complete this level without ever opening any of the security doors, without rewiring the clockwork sentinels, etc.

      • No Powers. Minor changes to the guide below will be explained as needed. Overall strategy is similar.

  • If the bank employees are awake, the bank is obviously harder to get through. However, many strategies are the same as below, and you just have to take extra care not to be seen. Two relevant differences are that employees work like guards and will be instantly alerted when they see you, and that moving the vault raises an alarm. Other relevant differences will be noted as needed.

  • Third Floor: Conference. In the workshop is a clue to the Fibonacci sequence that's the combination to the vault safes. Don't push the red button now, or it'll awake the sleeping elite guard. You can loot the executive offices that are on this floor later, either after you open the security doors from below or after if you climb via the chandelier. When you're looting this floor, get a painting (3/4) of the Void from the promenade near the audiograph.

  • Second Floor: Accounting. Loot the mortgage/loans office. Don't open the cash register near the employee.

  • Ground Floor: Lobby. If you wish, open all security doors with the red button behind the teller counter. Loot the adjoining offices and basement if you want, but there isn't much.

    • If the employees are awake, pushing the red button will alert them but not trigger an alarm or a detection. I recommend only opening the specific doors you need by clicking on the respective green light, and the only one that's truly essential is the stairs, from which you can reach the inner lobby with the elevator.​

  • Go out into the public lobby. Go through the large open doors opposite the entrance.

  • Displace up to the long flat lamps overhead. Jump from one to the other to avoid the arc pylons below. Jump down by the doors and enter the inner atrium.

    • If you're not going for the Perfect Crime achievement, you can disable the arc pylons: Displace into the service room to avoid the arc pylons, as in the picture below, and then pull the whale oil tanks to disable them.

    • NP. You can jump up to the lamps from the top of the wooden separators around the cubicles, or from the large pipe right under the ceiling at the entrance of this room. Likewise, from the middle lamp you can run-jump-slide down to the service room without being blasted or waking the nearby sleeping guard.

  • In the inner lobby, avoid the Sentinel on patrol. Unlike Jindosh's clockworks, these do not have rear-facing view.

  • Loot the offices around the atrium. Find out about Mrs. Jennett's appointment from the paper on the big counter. If you want, you can disable or rewire the wall of light from its control room (yellow dot on the map above), but it's not necessary, as the wall of light is mostly for show.

  • Displace up to the second-floor balcony.

    • NP. The only way to get up here is to run-jump diagonally to the railing above from atop the wall lamp near the stacked crates by the doors you came in from. It's tricky but doable.

  • Go downstairs to the archives via the stairwell or the elevator. Displace or run-jump to the protruding ledge at left.

  • Get a painting (4/4) from the hallway with the Sentinel and a bone charm (6/11) in a drawer in the worker room.

  • Loot the lockboxes by the sleeping elite guard, who is Capt. Peña: get the Security Codes from him if you wish. The lockbox combinations are: 278 (Dr. Galvani), 315 (Morgan Yu), and 379 (Cristofer Jeorge).

    • Contract: ​Rags to Riches to Rags

    • Special Action: Bragging Rights

    • Special Action: Unlucky Target

  • Walk or ride the elevator up to Dolores Michaels' offices on the top floor. ​Loot the desk in the center. Copy down page 122 from Mrs. Jennett's address book.

    • Contract: Quiet as a Mouse (but it can still be failed if you're discovered before you exit the bank)

    • Special Action: Stolen Information​

  • Push the red button behind Michaels' desk to reveal a secret compartment behind the bookcase at left. Get the Vault Key and a bone charm (7/11). Inspect the slides to learn about the next mission.

    • If the employees are awake, Michaels will be talking to Mrs. Jennett. Their interaction is extremely long, so you have plenty of time. Push the red button to draw Michaels away, and hide on the large flat lamp overhead while she comes to investigate. Do this twice more, and she will finally leave the office to go get Capt. Peña, leaving Mrs. Jennett alone. This is your occasion to loot everything (although you can also do it in-between button pushes, if you're quick, while both Michaels and Jennett are facing away from you).

Two Ways to Access the Vault

  • Crashing the Vault

    • Ride the elevator to the top floor and jump up to the vault maintenance room just above the shaft. Disable the arc pylon by pulling the whale oil tank. Get the Maintenance Wrench from a drawer near the whale oil tank.

    • Drop down on top of the vault. Unlock all four latches. The vault will drop to the flooded basement with you on it (or grab the swinging chain during the fall). Swim down, open it, and walk in.

    • ​The vault crashing counts as one "alarm rung," as it wakes everyone up... but for reasons passing understanding that nullifies neither the "Quiet as a Mouse" contract nor the "Perfect Crime" achievement!

  • Moving the Vault

    • The elevator can only be moved from the security room. There are two ways to enter it:

      1. Jump up on the cabinet under the security room (picture 1 below). Jump up to the ledge. Shimmy over to the window. Shoot the red button inside the security room with a hagpearl (picture 2). Walk in via the door that just opened. This only works if you have the Charged Shot crossbow upgrade. Shooting the red button with anything other than a hagpearl will wake up the employee next to it. (If the employees are already all awake, then a simple voltaic shot will be fine, since this room is empty).

      2. Push the red button near the 2nd-floor elevator. Enter with the code you got off Cpt. Peña in the archives. Get across the voltaic floor by Displacing to the top of the open door in the middle (picture 3) or running like hell. From the security room, push a button over the sleeping employee to send the vault either to the ground floor (archives) or to the third floor (director's office). Open it with Michaels' key and walk in.

        • To stun the guard that you woke up, use Foresight in the second room​ on the right, go through the vent, set a Displace marker behind the guard, and go back to complete the Displace (picture 4).​ However, this nullifies the "Quiet as a Mouse" contract.

        • If the employees are awake, moving the vault triggers a bank-wide alarm.

  • In the vault, open the fourth safe from the left with Yun's and Jacobi's keys. Collect the Twin-Bladed Knife.

    • This unlocks the Bone Charm Crafting skill, which is very useful from now on.

  • The other safes must all be opened together. The combination is a Fibonacci sequence, but skipping the fourth three-digit group (since the fourth safe is different). Left to right, enter these digits: 011, 235, 813, 455, 891.

  • Jindosh's and Emily's safes have abundant loot, including a bone charm (8/11).

  • Exit the bank the way you came in. If you crashed the vault, you must exit through the sewers.


  • You may leave the bank via the roof, the sanitation area, or the sewers. There are no appreciable differences.

  • Either way, leave through the right side of the plaza (looking from the bank). Displace to the balconies and/or the statue's head. When you get to the guard post by the tree stump on the right, drop down and pickpocket the guard.

    • Contract: Pickpocket's Delight

    • Special Action: Pickpocket's Delight​

    • NP. Sneaking out requires precise timing. The right side is considerably easier, but still hard. Sneak out behind the male elite guard and dip into the portico at right. Wait for the hounds and the low-ranked guard to pass. Hug the wall at right and sneak to just short of the guard post. Wait until the elite male guard inside the post is looking away (and no other guards are patrolling there) to jump up directly on top of the post. To do most of these steps you often have a half-second window, if that, so spam your quicksave. It's unfortunate that the level design wouldn't include a more elegant way to navigate this area without powers.

  • Return to the black​ market shop (B). Make your purchases and return to the street level.

  • Across the street is a locked door that was boarded up in the last level. Unlock it with the wrench. Go downstairs.

  • Looking through the grate, shoot the big red button with the hagpearl and a charged. This will open the shop's door and cause the shopkeeper to flee and call the guards. Quickly return to the shop and rob it again, including three bone charms (9-10-11/11), before the guards get there.

    • Special Action: Repeat Offender

    • If you hadn't robbed the shop in the last mission, robbing it now grants you the Special Action: It's A Steal!

  • Leave via the skiff.

Mission #4: The Stolen Archive

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