Mission #4
L = Lonny's body T = apartment with tripwires S = sewer entrance B = black market
Read the documents and listen to Daud's audiograph in Billie's apartment. Exit through the window.
Drop down below the gallery at right. Speak to Cortney to acquire her side quest.
Displace to the balcony across the street into the bar (L). Get a bone charm (1/11) from the coffee table at right. Get the ring from Lonny's corpse in the back. Displace back out before the Overseers break in.
NP. Cross the street on foot instead. Enter the building​ and go upstairs. Stun the Overseers with a hyperbaric grenade before they break down the door.
ZRP. It's possible to do this without stunning them, too. Before they break in, sneak behind them and climb up the railing to the top floor. After they break in, lean over and shoot a voltaic shot on the stairs a couple of floors below. When they all run out, quickly run inside and collect the loot, then leave through the window.
Speak to Cortney again. Accept or decline the reward; you can pickpocket her for it anyway.
Go back up to Billie's apartment balcony. Displace to the pillar in the middle of the plaza. When the Overseers aren't looking, drop down and read the ledger to learn where the information is.
NP. ​Sneak to the ledger from behind the carriage and the parapet when the Overseers look away.
Displace to the lamppost across the street. Enter the seized apartment that's full of tripwires (T). Disarm them all, taking your time and being careful. Get a bone charm (2/11) and the Strange Relic from the safe upstairs.
- ​Contract: A Risky Wager
- Special Action: Risk-Seeker​
- NP. Cross the street at ground level instead. Hide behind the crates under the portico. Jump up to the ledge above. Run-jump to the horizontal bar above the metal gate. From there, jump up to the lamppost and enter the apartment from the side window. All these jumps are hard, so save and reload as needed.
Go to the other end of the street. Enter the building from street level (green arrow in the picture below), taking care to avoid patrolling Overseers. Go upstairs and get the contracts and buy supplies from the black market (B). The apartment beside the black market (orange arrow) is useless right now; you'll use it later to rob the shop.​
There are two ways into the conservatory:
Sewers (S). Distract this guard (purple circle in the picture above) by shooting a voltaic shot or breaking glass, preferably when the Overseer on the boulevard is furthest away. When he's distracted, run inside and upstairs. Go left and downstairs into the sewer maintenance room. Crawl under the grate, break the wooden boards, and open the metal hatch overhead. You'll emerge in the conservatory's basement.
This sewer entrance can also be reached by sneaking behind the two Overseers inspecting the books in the red crates on the main staircase, although it's quite difficult to sneak by them without powers.​
Second-floor windows. Walk across the boulevard via the scaffolding that leads to the building with the black market shop. Stay up on the ledge and go left until you reach the main courtyard. There's an open window on either side of the main gate, at the basement level, so drop to the ground and enter the basement that way. Alternatively, from here you can also displace all the way up to the roof.
R = Sister Rosewyn's location (red circles) = bone charms locations
In the basement, stun the Overseers or sneak around them by hanging right and climbing up on the pipes in the room with the bones. Go through to the next area (the archives) via the opening in the wall near the ceiling.
In the archives, get the Interrogation Room Key from a desk cabinet on the left, or from a patrolling Overseer.​
A witch is locked in the cellar that once hosted Breanna Ashworth's shrine to Delilah.
If you stun all the Overseers in the basement (seven in total) and tell the witch she can go, she will escape to safety. The Overseers' bodies will count as "bodies found" if she sees them, so hide them in the sewer.
Special Action: Wild and Free​
If you tell her to escape before you've cleared out the basement, she will be killed by the Overseers and they will remain alerted for quite a long time: if you do this, I recommend you do it on the way out, not in.
Special Action: Something Wicked​
To stun these Overseers, shoot a bolt on the floor from the position shown in the first picture below. They'll congregate either there or right below you: toss a hyperbaric grenade when they're all lumped together.
Loot the boiler room on the right. Exit to the broken elevator. Use the stairwell to move between floors quietly.
Climb all the way up to the ledge above the conservatory's central area. You can either Displace up via the embalmed owls or climb up via the roof of the elevator shaft. The elevator cabin is stopped on the third floor.
Walk around the central well to the open window. Wait for the Oracular Sister to walk away. Sneak behind Brother Cardoza. Get a bone charm (3/11) from a drawer.
Use Semblance on Cardoza. Quickly exit to the roof. Speak to Sister Rosewyn and obtain the Stolen Silvergraph.
If the dialogue option does not appear, bump into Rosewyn until she gets up, and then speak to her.
Alternatively, wait for Cardoza to be called a second time. While he's talking to Rosewyn, wait in a corner (yellow arrow in the picture below) and pickpocket the Silvergraph from him when he walks back.
Alternatively, sneak out to the roof and stun the two Sisters who are looking at Rosewyn (blue circles in the picture below). Pickpocket the silvergraph and leave.
If you kill brother Cardoza and/or sister Rosewyn, two special actions are available
Special Action: Fratricide
Special Action: Sororicide
Third floor
​There is moderate loot on this floor, including the map room and Ashworth's old office. Read the note on the dead civilian on top of the elevator. Drop down into the elevator and get Sister Rosewyn's Notebook.
Contract: Pilfer the Prophecies
Special Action: Freedom of Information
Second floor
​There's a bone charm (4/11) in the offices on the left: just reach behind the Overseer who's standing there.
Another bone charm (5/11) is in the locked room with the dead witches. Get the Witches' Key from the top of the crooked painting to the left of the glass doors. The bone charm is by the display cases at right.
You can also drop into this room from the roof through the broken solarium window.​
Yet another bone charm (6/11) is in the morgue, or the old security room that used to hold the Roseburrow Prototype in Dishonored 2. Get the Morgue Key from the ticket booth on the ground floor.
You can also get this bone charm without entering the morgue. From the promenade, reach through the grate standing behind the Overseer: if you're careful, he won't see you.
First floor
​Minor loot throughout. This is the easiest silvergraph projector to use. Stun the Overseer near it. Hide his body on a tall bookcase. Play the Silvergraph to find out about Shindareay Peak. Remove the slide and leave.
If you stunned all the Overseers in the basement, then that​ is the easiest projector to use.
ZRP. The one in the basement is the only one you can use undetected. Just wait until the Overseers aren't looking in your direction, load the slide, look at the screen, and quickly recover the slide.
The best way to leave the conservatory is from the second-floor window (see picture below). This puts you on the outer ledge, from which it is easy to reach the scaffolding by the rocks and rob the black market shop.
Go to the apartment that's behind the black market shop. If you have powers, just Displace up to it anytime. If you don't, then do this on the way out of the Conservatory when you're already on the scaffolding, since this apartment cannot be reached from the street level without powers.
Use Foresight and go through the vent shaft. Set a Displace marker behind the shopkeeper, as in this picture:
Return to the black market shop without using Displace, or you'll lose the marker you just set.
Make your final purchases and finish the Displace: as usual, the shopkeeper will cower and not interfere as you rob the shop, including three bone charms (7-8-9/12).
- ​Special Action: No Time to Haggle​
NP. There is no way to ​rob this black market shop, so either make an exception or miss out.
- ​Special Action: No Time to Haggle​
Return to Billie's room and leave by interacting with the luggage.
Receive two bone charms (10-11/12) for the contracts you've completed.
If you killed everyone in the Conservatory except for Brother Cardoza, and then tortured him on the music chair in the basement, you'll also receive an additional bone charm (12/12).
Contract: Alvaro and the Abbey
Special Action: Music Therapist​​
The pictures below refer to a nonlethal playthrough when I didn't do the lethal contract.