Mission #1
Favors: rune and safe code. Items: at least one chokedust. Upgrades: none essential.
"Zero Residual Presence" play style
Just like in the base game, here too it is possible to get through most missions with no powers and even not interacting with any NPCs at all: no kills, no detections, no bodies found, no nonlethal takedowns. When this guide suggests using Blink, you can always simply jump instead. For a slightly easier challenge, you can get the passive boost "Agility" (level I is enough). When a nonlethal takedown is required for the nonlethal option, for a special action, or simply to advance the story, it will be noted.
Slaughterhouse Row
Receive a rune (1/6) from Billie and, if you want, acquire Agility I.
Go down to the vent shaft at right. Peek around the corner and blink or sneak behind the guard. Go upstairs and out the window onto the roof, looting as you go and avoiding patrols.
Drop down to the bridge leading to the next building. Go downstairs and collect a bone charm (1/5).
Go back up to the roof. Drop down to the alley with corpses. Grab a dead Weeper. Climb back up. Take the covered bridge across to the next building. Jump on to the topmost platform. Read Granny's Recipe. Set down the weeper.
Exit to the guardhouse roof via the window. Jump to the large tanks and then on the roof of the workshop below. Use your sword or a bolt to break the wooden planks hiding the Safe Code, which is randomly generated.
Climb back up to the workshop roof. As soon as the butcher turns away, jump down and shoplift the Pylon Key from him. Turn around, unlock the whale oil tank, take out the tank, and quickly get back up to the roof.
Blink makes this easier, of course, but it's entirely possible to do it with no powers, too
In the next building over, the barracks, get the Laborer Lockup Key and some loot. You can ignore the arc mines.
From the barracks roof, jump up to the next building atop the slaughterhouse's front entrance. Get a rune (2/6).
Go back across the yard and to the guardhouse with the safe. Disable the wall of light by pulling out the tank. Drop down to the yard below and open the laborer lockup, making sure to avoid the butcher. Speak to the laborers.
​Special Action: Freed the Detained Laborers
optionally, go left and swim to the dead whale in the water to meet the man on boat and learn about Abigail Ames: however, note that you won't be doing this side quest if you want to get the Ghost achievement
Climb back up to the guardhouse and loot the safe. You may have to choke the officer, but it is usually not needed.
​Special Action: Looted the Watch Officer's Safe
Go back across the yard and on top of the workshop roof. Blink down to the sewer access lever next to the now-inactive arc pylon. Pull the lever to open the gate and quickly blink or jump down into the sea.
Climb up into the sewer gate that the lever has opened. Attract the rats toward you, then blink or sprint past them and get a bone charm (2/5) from the floor. From here you can enter the slaughterhouse.
Rothwild Slaughterhouse
Follow the tunnel to the end. Climb up and go left until you see pipes running along the wall. Get up to the pipes and follow them right.
Drop down into a workshop. Go down the hatch. Collect a misplaced rune (3/6) as per the favor. Go back up.
Follow the pipes to a high elevated bridge. Climb up into Rothwild's office, where he's talking to Abigail Ames. Choke or sleep-dart him. Loot the office for money and get the clue to the safe combination.
ZRP. This nonlethal takedown is necessary to obtain the nonlethal option to get rid of Rothwild.
while Ames obviously sees Rothwild's body, this doesn't count as a body detection
Go back across the walkway. Loot Rothwild's office (safe combination: 512), including a bone charm (3/5).
Open the door that leads to the killing floor. Get the rune (4/6) on a table opposite Rothwild's office.
Bring two whale oil tanks to the receptacles by the table. The first tank is already full by a pile of crates. Get the second by the large valves (avoiding the patrolling butcher) or fill one up from the dispensers on the wall.
Power up the electrical system with the two tanks. Electrocute the whale out of its misery. Get the Whale Eye.
- ​​Special Action: Put Down the Captive Whale
Jump up to the platform and go over to the next killing floor. Get down to the carcass on the other end of the room and collect a bone charm (4/5).
this one is tricky and you must time it perfectly: you will also need to jump away immediately, without waiting for the mana to regenerate; alternatively, you can sprint to the restrooms when the closest butcher walks away
Go to the restrooms by the killing floor and the overhead bridge. Atop one of the stalls is a bone charm (5/5).
From here, you're near the pipes leading up to Rothwild's office, so climb up and grab the unconscious Rothwild. Leave via the records office side door, which you can open with the key that's hanging on the hook on the wall.
Go right and follow the hallway by the tanks, avoiding or choking butchers as needed. There's a door leading to a small side tunnel that leads to the main entrance. From there, walk over to the meat locker entrance.
Place Rothwild on the chair and interrogate him to learn what he knows. Once he's unconscious again, pick him up and leave the meat locker.
Climb up to the beams near the ceiling and sneak to the other end of the room while the butchers talk. Go to the main entryway and climb up on the crates, avoiding the patrol that checks in frequently. Put Rothwild in the crate.
​Special Action: Shipped Bundry Rothwild to a Remote Island
Climb your way up to the big beam that runs across the ceiling of the main entryway. Get a rune (5/6) near the laborer's corpse in the alcove just under the roof. If you're playing with powers, you can acquire Blink II now.
Leave the slaughterhouse via the side entrance by pulling the lever.
Slaughterhouse Row​
Outside, the Overseers have taken over and there are no more guards or butchers. Loot at will, then go back across the wall of light and up to the apartment where you left the Weeper.
Put the whale eye into the pot to get the last rune (6/6).
​Special Action: Completed the Granny Rags Recipe
Billie Lurk is being held captive by the Overseers. You can't use powers due to the music box, so toss a chokedust to incapacitate the Overseers, making sure to get all three in one shot. Stay out of sight and they won't find you.
With Billie, make your way back to the start to exit the level.