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Mission #3

























Clavering Boulevard, Distillery, and Dr. Galvani's Office


  • At the right end of the bridge is a Weeper and some loot; or just swim to the docks past the bridge. As in the previous mission, go up the stairs and go right into Clavering Blvd.

  • Go straight to the Distillery, which is neutral territory this time. Ignore the Weepers in the enclosure. Speak with Slackjaw to acquire his quest.

  • On the distillery ground floor, take the Cell Key from a guard and open the cell door. Let the thugs take care of the Weepers, then go in for some major loot.

  • Return outside. The Weepers in the cage broke free. Sneak right and get a bone charm (1/5) from the cage.

  • Return to Clavering Blvd. Stun three of Daud's assassins who appeared in this area: in the abandoned apartment at left, in the apartment with the barred-up door, and on the roof outside the window.

    • ZRP. You can avoid the assassins by simply steering clear of this area altogether: get around the wall of light via the side roofs and the low road instead. It takes longer, but it's definitely possible.​

  • In the second apartment, crouch under the boards to get a bone charm (2/5). Choke or avoid the Weeper.

  • Once more, cross the plaza via the lampposts and enter Dr. Galvani's offices from the second or third floor.

  • Slackjaw's man, Crowley, is on the third floor. Everything else is the same, minus some loot. The secret passage behind the bookcase now has a rune (1/5). Galvani's safe is empty.

  • Go back to the Distillery. Speak to Slackjaw to acquire the nonlethal option for the Pendletons.

    • ​Special Action: Helped Slackjaw Find Crowley

  • As before, cross the wall of light via the tall vertical billboard and the roofs.

  • This time there's a watchtower. Jump or blink on top of it and disable it by pulling the whale oil tank.

  • Go to the back alley at left. Use Bend Time to choke the first thug whose back is to you, and quickly sleep-dart the other. Your reward is the Art Dealer Apartment's Key from the woman.

    • MFAS. Sleep-dart both thugs in quick succession while they're talking, or choke the one in the back and sleep dart the other​. They won't see you and their bodies won't count as "bodies found."

    • ZRP. Wait for the thugs to kill the woman, then distract them by shooting a bolt elsewhere, and then loot the key from her body when they're not looking.

  • Go back across the road from the guard post and enter the Captain's Chair hotel.

  • Get a bone charm (3/5) from under the stairs. Go upstairs and leave via the roof.



The Golden Cat























  • Go right and blink across the street to the warehouse with the big billboard (red circle in the picture below).

    • ZRP. You can also just drop down to the street and climb via the lampposts and the balconies.

  • Get a rune (2/5) from the second floor. Loot around the plaza if you wish, but there's nothing major.

  • Enter the Golden Cat from the open shutter on the third floor (green circle in the picture below):
























  • Stay up on the ledges. Get a rune (3/5) from the small room at left. Now you can acquire Bend Time II.

    • MFAS. Don't acquire the power, of course.​

    • ZRP. This entire strategy can be done on foot, too, with no need for Blink.

  • Go to the right side of the building. Use the service stairwell to move easily across floors.

  • Fourth floor. Get a rune (4/5) from the bedroom. Avoid or stun the courtesan. Free Emily in the next room over: she will wait for you at the VIP entrance in the basement.

  • Third floor. Pickpocket the Master Key from the Madam. Loot her office. No need to stun her. Get a bone charm (4/5) from the nearby sitting room with the fireplace.

  • Second floor. Sneak around patrols and courtesans. Get to the torture room with Bunting, on the left. Activate the machine and continue shocking Bunting until he gives you the art dealer's safe code.

  • Loot around the rest of the Golden Cat, if you wish, for an additional 500-600 coins worth. If you're doing the nonlethal option, there is no need to even find out where the Pendleton twins are: just leave whenever.

    • Some of the loot is probably where the Pendletons are. If so, Bend Time II is quite useful, as the Pendletons are always with a courtesan​ and there's no way to stun one without the other noticing.

  • Leave with Emily through the VIP entrance at the bottom of the stairs.


Clavering Blvd. and Art Dealer's Apartment


  • Get a bone charm (5/5) near Granny Rags. Sneak around the Weepers in the street or blink up to the pipes.

  • Enter the art dealer's (Bunting) apartment from the back door near Griff the scavenger.

    • alternatively, go through the third-floor balcony on the main plaza, opposite Galvani's offices

  • Choke or sleep-dart the thugs on the third floor when they finish talking. Get a painting (1/3) in the small room. On the second floor is another pair of thugs; do the same to them. Get another painting (2/3) and open the safe.

    • ZRP. You have to distract the thugs and loot everything while they're not looking. This is easily the most frustrating part of this play style, so when you get tired of reloading saves, just sleep-dart them!

  • Inside the safe, get a rune (5/5), the last painting (3/3), some loot, and the Boyle Party Invitation.

    • ​Special Action: Robbed the Art Dealer's Safe

  • Return to Slackjaw to dispose of the Pendletons non-lethally.

    • ​Special Action: Put the Pendletons to Work in Their Own Mine

  • Return to Samuel on the shore front. Along the way there's one more of Daud's assassins, on the roof of the house next to Granny Rags' apartment. You can either sleep-dart him from a distance or blink up from the left side and choke him; or go across the wall of light on Clavering and avoid this area entirely.























Hound Pits Pub #3


  • Deliver Emily to Callista. Speak to Pendleton, who's behind the tower looking at the river.

  • Speak to Martin and Havelock to receive your new objectives.

  • Buy what you want from Piero. Stock up on sleep darts as usual.


Mission #4: The Royal Physician

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