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Mission #4

























Southside Gate


  • Go up to street level. Go right. Avoid the guards. Sneak in through the door on the right under the arches.

  • Climb to the top of the warehouse. Get a whale oil tank and plug it in to power up the mining cart.

  • Get the Folded Galvani Resin blueprint from the cabinet, which unlocks the useful Boot Stealth upgrades.

  • Pull the lever and climb into the cart. Blink to the balcony across the street into the apartment.

    • alternatively, ride the cart to the end, get down by the guard post, and cross the street while the patrol walks away​

  • Go out of the other window and around the catwalk. Climb up the chain and get a rune (1/5) from the apartment. If playing with powers, you can now acquire Possession I.

  • Go down to the bridge control station, then blink up to the bridge. No need to lower the bridge or stun the guard.

    • ZRP. You do need to lower the bridge in order to cross it: sneak to the lever while one guard is ​walking away and the other is looking at the river.

  • Blink or jump up to the balcony, sleep-dart or sneak behind the Weeper, and get a bone charm (1/3). Go back to the covered boat by the guards. Go upstairs and through the door. Go left to Drawbridge Way.


Drawbridge Way​


  • Blink up to Pratchett's second floor balcony. Loot the apartment while he speaks to the guard. When he comes in, pickpocket his key while he looks at the art on the walls.

    • alternatively, wait for them to finish talking and simply follow Pratchett upstairs: loot while he takes breaks​

  • Loot the chest on the second floor and get the safe combination clue nearby. The combination is 473, the digits portrayed in the art throughout the house. Loot the safe, including a rune (2/5).

  • Blink or jump up to the shiny blue apartment above. Choke or sneak behind the mad survivor. Get a rune (3/5) at the Outsider Shrine (1/1). There is also some minor loot in the next apartment over.

  • Get to the roof. There are several ways to get to the first part of the bridge:

    • ​If you want to loot, sneak down to the catwalk below and disable the arc pylon from behind by pulling the whale oil tank. Then just walk to bridge, either from above or from below.

    • Otherwise, stay on the roofs and blink up to the top of the large red banner, and from there up to the bridge:













  • There is little loot on the bridge itself. I recommend you just cross it. There are three ways to do so:

  1. Directly on it, by raising or lowering it using the lever in the control room.

  2. Using the maintenance ducts just below the bridge itself.

  3. Above it: climb and blink all the way up on the first tower, using the chains if needed, get some loot by the corpse, and cross the bridge on its fixed roof, undisturbed.

  • On the other side, ignore the cell and the prisoner. Stay up on the supports and drop down to the catwalk below, after the bridge. Shoot the river krusts on the right. Collect the pearls. See ideal route in the picture below:























  • Blink or climb up to the balcony of the building on the right. Use Bend Time (or perfect timing) to stun the two thugs. Collect a lot of loot. Go back down and leave for Midrow Substation.

    • You can get a special action out of this, too. Get down from the bridge, go to the guard post at left, steal the Cell Key from a guard, and free the prisoner. Follow him to the thugs​. Stun all three using Bend Time.

      • ​Special Action: Followed the Pearl Thief

      • ZRP. There is no way to get this special action via this play style, as it requires nonlethal takedowns.


Midrow Substation​


  • Get a rune (4/5) in the room you start in. Ignore the guards below. Hang right and go down to the catwalk. If you wish, go further down on the right to get some loot and shoot some river krusts.

    • you can also shoot a bolt near the thugs to draw the guards to them and let them fight it out​

  • Go around the catwalk from the vent shaft. Sneak behind the guard and flip the switch in the control station.

  • Blink or climb up to the whale oil tank behind the wheels to turn off the wall of light. From here, you may blink high up to the wheels and through, or crouch below under the grates and sneak past the wall.

  • Enter the large abandoned warehouse on the left from the second floor. Go to the ground floor, get rid of the rats, speak to the woman, and get a bone charm (2/3) from the corpse.

    • ​Special Action: Saved the Stranded Woman from the Rats

  • Pick up some loot from the rest of the warehouse and then leave the area.


Northside Bridgeway and Sokolov's Mansion​


  • Go left to the derelict building. Enter the rooms via the balconies outside. Get a bone charm (3/3) in one.

  • Below, there are prisoners behind a wall of light and some guards talking. Wait for the guards to leave. Stun the one who's walking away (red circle in the picture below) and hide his body in one of the buildings.























  • Reach the whale oil tank (green arrow in the picture above) and pull it to free the prisoners. When they're safe, join them and speak to the woman to get the safe combination: 294.

    • ZRP. There is no way to save these prisoners without stunning the guard, who surely kills them otherwise.

  • Blink or climb up to the large painting overlooking the plaza (green circle in the picture above) and open the safe behind it with the combination.

    • ​Special Action: Robbed Pratchett's Safe

  • Go all way up to the highest roofs. From here, you can finish the mission in a minute: blink up to this spot (see picture below), stun the guard patrolling the balcony, get Sokolov, free the woman in the cell, and get back out.

    • ​Special Action: Freed All of Sokolov's Test Subjects























  • If you want to loot the mansion, you can sneak in through the basement behind the rotating wheel in the water.

  • There is one rune (5/5) in the greenhouse next to Sokolov and a painting (1/1) on the ground floor. The latter is heavily guarded, so using a combination of Bend Time and Blink may be your best bet.

    • MFAS/ZRP. Hide by the granite blocks. When the guard by the easel steps away, snatch the painting and run.

  • Other than this, the loot throughout the mansion amounts to about 200-300 coins.

  • Take Sokolov to Samuel via the roofs, then blink down to under the bridge opposite the wheel. Leave the area.























Hound Pits Pub #5​


  • Ignore the bone charm in the apartments opposite the pub: you can't get it now but you will later.

  • Visit Emily in the tower. Get Pendleton's reward on your bedside table. Sleep.

  • Interrogate Sokolov. Bribe him with a bottle of King Street Brandy. You can purchase it from Piero, who's in the bunkhouse spying on Callista taking a bath...

  • Buy the Boot Stealth I and II upgrades from Piero.


Mission #5: Lady Boyle's Last Party

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