Mission #1
Go out through the rightmost window. Meet Alexi. Loot the bedroom and bathroom.
If you want, stun the guard on the balcony and hide him in the linen closet. Do the same for the one downstairs.
In the throne room, climb on the display next to Jessamine's painting, then to the chandelier. Wait for Ramsey to leave, follow him, choke him, and loot him to get the Signet Ring.
Take Ramsey to the safe room and lock him inside.
Special Action: The Ramsey Fortune​
if you didn't choke the guards upstairs and downstairs, getting Ramsey upstairs is tricky, but surely possible
Loot the safe room, being sure to do all of the following:
get the gold ingot from the safe — Special Action: Coin of the Realm
get Samuel's art from above the bed — Display Case Collectible: Samuel Beechworth Wood Carving
play the audiograph on top of the bookcase — Special Action: Jessamine's Words​
Leave to the Dunwall Streets.​
Get a painting (1/2) of the Pendletons from above the cabinet. Go out to the roofs. Hang right. Stun or sneak around the guard in the yard below.
Go down to the streets through the guard post. Sneak left while the guards talk.
Sneak inside the first door left, behind the hedges. Sneak behind the guard and get a painting (2/2) of Lady Boyle and the code for Galvani's safe (451) that's scribbled behind it. Loot the safe and leave.
Special Action: Dr. Galvani's Safe
The house across the road has decent loot: stay behind the crates and cross the road when the patrols walk away.
Climb up the wall being held up by the wooden scaffolding. Hang right and take the low road. Climb up on the crate near the dumpster while the guards talk to civilians. Sneak right into the alley.
Optional area: Boyles' Offices. Take the stairs at left and enter from the second floor. Ignore the guard. Turn on the grindstone to attract the others. While they run upstairs, jump downstairs. Break the glass displays for loot. Raid the office safes. Alternatively, open the cash registers below and jump the guards as they investigate.
Continue down the back alley. Stun the guard and hide his body in the fish market dumpster. Climb atop the red storefront and break the boarded-up window. Explore the old apartment.
Special Action: Time Capsule​
Jump down onto the pipes by the blue banner. Go left and up. Sneak under the rails, then go right and up. Run-jump to the large round pipe on the right, as shown in the picture below:
Walk across the first balcony, but don't jump on to the second. Drop down to the main door to the Dunwall Courier. The guards will see something, but you won't be spotted even on the hardest difficulty level.​​
Loot the ground floor. Go upstairs. Choke a guard along the way.
Save your game, as the next section is finicky. Wait until the guard threatening the journalist draws his sword, then stun him. The journalist may be alarmed, which will count as an "enemy detection"... even though you just saved his damn life... just reload until you get it right. Speak to the journalist and loot the area.
Special Action: Freedom of the Press
Leave through the balcony and jump down. Return to the blue banner. Drop down and sneak behind the guard into the pub at left. Take the back door to the harbor.
Wait until the Hatters are done talking, then sneak behind them. If you want to stun them, activate the grindstone in the workshop and do them one by one; or jump down on one from the canopy above and then stun the other.
Jump up on the roof at right. Walk across the long thin pipe and jump into the sea at the end. Swim to the Dreadful Wale and climb aboard. You won't be seen even if the two guards are looking directly at you...
Speak to Meagan Foster and leave.