Mission #4
Recommended powers to have at the start:
Emily: Agility, Far Reach, Dark Vision, Pull, Domino + Link Three, Link Four
Corvo: Agility, Blink, Greater Blink, Dark Vision + Bend Time, plus two spare runes
Speak to Meagan Foster and Alexandria Hypatia. Fill up on Addermire Solution if needed.
Get the crank wheel from the bridge. Repair the water leak in the engine room.
See Meagan at the skiff when you're ready to leave.
Get some loot near the start. Climb up to street level via the machine suspended in the center of the plaza. Go into the bloodfly-infested building at left. Get some loot, including two runes (1-2/6) on the top floor.
- Blink across the street and into the apartment. Get a bone charm (1/8) and the painting (1/6) of Ramsey.
FAS. Take the stairs at right and go past the open gate. Jump up on the guard post via the searchlight on its right, then get up on the terrace, and from there up on the pipes and onto the balcony. This requires perfect timing and some creative sneaking, since the plaza is full of guards. You may also opt to wait for after the Clockwork Mansion, when all the guards will be gone and this complex jump sequence will be a lot easier.
Go into the back alley behind the bloodfly-infested building. Go upstairs into the building at left. Loot the safe on the second floor: two out of three digits of the combination are scribbled on the blackboard behind the bottle.
On the third floor are a bone charm (2/8) inside a breakable glass bell and a painting (2/6) of Hiram Burrows.
Leave via the balcony and jump to the pipe across the street. Climb up to the roof of Aventa Station and look through the solarium windows. Below, a carriage is about to arrive...
IMPORTANT. If you wish, you can take the carriage to Upper Aventa right away and skip the next part for now. You'll have a chance to do most of it later without most of the enemy NPCs, with the exception of one special action near the black market, which will no longer be available later. The rest of this guide assumes that all regular NPCs are still here, but if you do this later instead, it'll be much easier.
Before the carriage arrives, drop down through the open solarium window on the roof, grab the bone charm (3/8), and go downstairs. If you can't make it in time, stay on the roof, stun the two guards who just got off the carriage, and hide their bodies on top of the ticket booth below.
FAS/ZRP. You can also drop down from the window directly to the railing on the left, and from there jump to the carriage, and then to the ticket booth below. This is the only way to enter Aventa Station with no powers and no aggression. If you're taking the carriage directly, this is also your best strategy.
In the backyard behind the station is a rune (3/6), along with loot and a lot of Howlers waiting to ambush you. If you're playing as Emily and have Pull, stand on the white balcony with the broken bed frame and simply grab the rune from there. If you're playing as Corvo and have Bend Time, stop time, get down, grab it, and run like hell. The only other low-chaos strategy is the same as the one for No-Powers mode, so see below.
FAS/ZRP. Open the back door to Aventa Station and jump up to the ticket booth roof. Fire a bolt in the back courtyard and one inside the station. Wait while the guards and the Howlers kill off one another; you may have to save and reload until you get a good outcome. When one side wins, you can sneak into the courtyard, stun or avoid any remaining Howlers, and get the rune. There's no need to hide any of the bodies you didn't stun. You may also opt to wait until after the Jindosh Mansion, when all the guards and the Howlers will be gone.​
Black Market Shop
Grab a whale oil tank before heading to the back alley where the shop is. There is one powering the wall of light at the entrance of Aventa Station, or grab one from the dispenser. There are three ways to reach the black market shop without using powers, which are unavailable while you're carrying the whale oil tank:
Through the wall of light. Grab the tank to disable it. Wait until the soldier by the wall of light walks away. Follow him super closely, making sure the others are not looking your way. If a guard keeps spotting you, get rid of him before starting by using a howling bolt.
Via the Howler courtyard. Behind the courtyard is a back alley with tall trees. Disable the launchers as you walk, then sneak under the portico at left, and finally take a left into the side road where the shop is.
Via the main plaza. At the start, near the machine suspended by cables, is a staircase leading to a gate. Behind the gate is the guard booth. If you time it right, you can sneak around the booth, hug the wall right, go all the way to the bottom of the plaza to where it's sealed off, come back the other way, and dip into the side road with the shop. This requires perfect timing because it's full of guards and there's little cover, but it's doable.
Leave the tank by the dumpster. Go downstairs to the shop and hide from Paolo as he threatens the shopkeeper.
If you want, you can engage Paolo now to get a special action. There are at least two ways kill or stun Paolo:
Wait until they leave the shop. Find them in the long back alley just outside. As Emily, link them with Domino and stun them all with one sleep dart. As Corvo, Bend Time and fire off three sleep darts quickly.
​FAS. As soon they leave the shop, choke the henchman in the back, then slit Paolo's throat: this does NOT count as a kill, since he doesn't really die! Ignore the henchman in front, who is oblivious to all this.
Special Action: A Man of the People. This action becomes unavailable after the Clockwork Mansion!
​ZRP. At least one nonlethal takedown, plus Paolo himself, are required to get this special action.
Make your purchases at the shop. I recommend that you buy the Instant Sleep Dart upgrade.
Blink up to the balconies above the shop, or climb up via the pipes in the long back alley. Loot the bloodfly-infested apartment. Go back downstairs on the other side of the fence and speak to the beggar.
In the basement, get the Apartment Key from the table by the door. Stun the burglars when they're done talking, or sneak up behind them quickly and plant a stun mine (with Chain Lightning upgrade) to get them both at once. Carry their bodies to the cellar away from the blast zone, or they'll die when you rob the shop.
​ZRP. These two nonlethal takedowns are required to rob the shop.
Bring your whale oil tank to the basement. Save your game. Toss the tank above the other two. The blast must destroy the wall without killing the shopkeeper inside. If you fail, reload and retry.
High Chaos. For some reason, the blast kills the shopkeeper unless the blast is triggered indirectly; e.g., put the third tank down by the other two and shoot them with a bolt.
Ignore the shopkeeper: she won't interfere as you rob the place. Make sure you get the Ticket Booth Key, and, if you're playing with powers, also a rune (4/6).
​Special Action: Black Market Heist​​
Return to Aventa Station and loot the ticket booth, including a blueprint (1/4). Go upstairs and take the carriage to the Upper Aventa District.
​​Special Action: Looted Aventa Station
Sneak into the guard headquarters at right. Here's the loot for this building:
First floor. Some coin. You can stun the two guards here, or hug the left-side wall and the one typing won't see you as you enter the reception area; nor will he see you go upstairs if you hug the right-side wall.
Second floor. There's a bone charm (4/8) in the evidence tray. Open the door immediately after the two guards finish talking, follow them, and swipe the bone charm before they sit down.
Third floor. There's a blueprint (2/4) in the briefing room, the Side Alley Key on the veteran sleeping on the desk, and the gate combination on his desk.
Cross the plaza to the side alley in one of three ways, as illustrated in the picture below:
Blink/Far Reach via the pillars and the circular fan (green arrows).
Jump down behind the pillar. Sneak around the guard post. Dash across the road behind the elite guard (red arrows). On higher difficulty levels, you may need to throw a glass or shoot a bolt to do the last part.
Jump down at right behind the parapet, cross the road, and jump up on the grassy rocks. Sneak around the corner while staying on the rocks (yellow arrows). Of course, wait until no guards are looking your way.
FAS/ZRP. Either of the last two methods will do.
Open the gate at the end of the alley and go straight to the portico. Go through the front door and upstairs to the second floor. Get loot and a rune (5/6) from the apartment. The inhabitants will call for help if you stay too long.
High Chaos. This apartment is infested by bloodflies and everyone is already dead.​
ZRP. Surprisingly, the stealthier way to do this is to shoot the first breakable door you see, run inside, grab the rune from the cabinet, then exit through the balcony as detailed below. The inhabitants will just run outside, and guards will take a while to arrive, and you will not be detected.
Go out on the balcony and blink across to the window of the bloodfly-infested apartment, or jump up to the large circular fan, then down to the red canopy, and then up into the window.
In this apartment is a painting (3/6) of Jindosh and a bone charm (5/8). Be sure to only use incendiary darts to destroy the bloodfly nests, because the guards below will hear breaking bottles, gunshots, or your sword.
There are two ways to reach the Clockwork Mansion from here:
Go back to the carriage, open the gate with the combination, and go through.
Exit this last apartment from the other window and climb down the chain when the guard isn't looking. Go left and blink across the chasm.
​FAS. Run-jump instead, using the long metal spikes that jut out of the wall. The jump must be timed perfectly and it's quite tricky, so save your game in case you fall.
Listen to the welcome audiograph, then go right through the double glass doors. Shoot a bolt through a window on the ceiling and Blink up to the crawlspace behind the wall. Drop down through the floor by the two large pipes.
FAS. You can still get the "Ghost between the Cogs" special action or the "Silence" achievement here, because you're allowed ONE lever pull without penalty. Instead of shooting the window, pull the lever beneath it. Walk to the yellow wall at left, climb up it as it disappears, and you'll find yourself in the same crawlspace as above.
Follow the crawlspace to the "Dining Lounge" sign.​​​​
Keep following the crawlspace. Climb up via the red pool table. Go right until you reach a solarium roof above a waiting room with two nobles chatting.
Go past the solarium roof and drop down into the crawlspace below, right in front of the three windows on the wall. Drop further down and get a bone charm (6/8) from the bloodfly-infested corpse.
Go back up and face the three windows. Open one, then blink up to the top of the tall cabinet, and then at right into the hallway behind it. Enter Jindosh's bedroom behind the large wooden doors.
FAS. Sneaking around the two guards is very hard, and distracting them with a sound activates the clockwork soldier. Instead, sleep-dart the female guard by opening a window and leaning out, and then the male guard as soon as he walks into the room. Hide their bodies in the crawlspace.
ZRP. After getting the bone charm from the corpse, don't go back up. Instead, follow the crawlspace to the end and enter the elevator through the hatch. Either ride it to the top floor or climb up via the equipment boxes. Follow the male elite guard closely until the end of the hallway, then quickly dip under the large table on the left. Wait until he leaves, and then sneak into Jindosh's bedroom.
In Jindosh's bedroom, get a rewire tool from the incomplete clockwork soldier if you don't have one. Go out on the balcony overlooking Karnaca. Read the sheet on the table to acquire the nonlethal option for this mission.
Jump to the lower balcony on the right via the pipes. Crawl through the hatch. Shoot the wooden door that opens into the Maintenance level (no one hears you) and loot the maintenance room, including a rune (6/6).
Capturing Jindosh​
Playing with powers. Ride the elevator to the Office floor. Blink to the raised area at left, as shown in the picture below. One clockwork soldier is active, and Jindosh is at his desk. Wait until the clockwork walks away, then sleep-dart Jindosh from afar. Run or blink to him and quickly loot the office, including a blueprint (3/4) from the front of the cabinet and a painting (4/6) from behind the desk. Return to the raised area with Jindosh in tow. If playing as Corvo, you can also use Bend Time to make this whole process easier.
FAS: playing without powers. Ride the elevator the Office floor. In this case, there are two active clockworks, plus Jindosh is pacing, since you had to pull that lever earlier. When the elevator ding alerts them, hide by the large plant on the right. When Jindosh comes, stun and grab him before the clockworks see you. Take him down to assessment via the elevator. Return upstairs. Plant a stun mine by the door and wait for the clockworks to come, or alert them with noise. One stun mine will destroy one clockwork if you bought the Extra Charge upgrade; otherwise, you will need two for each soldier. You may use also grenades and springrazors here, as destroyed clockworks are not kills (but if one sees another being destroyed, it counts as a body detection). When both are down, loot Jindosh's office.
ZRP: playing without powers and without nonessential stuns, not even clockworks. Ride the elevator to the Laboratory floor. While standing in the elevator, shoot a bullet or throw a grenade into the lab, then quickly press the button for the Office floor. The two clockworks have jumped downstairs and Jindosh is alone! Sleep-dart him and loot his office, then return to the elevator. While the clockworks continue searching, ride the elevator down to Maintenance and pull the lever to reset the order of the lab modules. From here you can also spy the clockworks' movements through the glass flooring. When they've gone back up to the Office, you can go to the Laboratory.
​Special Action: Ghost Between the Cogs
However you grabbed Jindosh, take him to the Laboratory. Select "Optics" and "Anatomy" on the panels on either side of the chair. If the clockworks are still active, hide as needed. Place Jindosh in the chair and switch it on. With Jindosh out, pulling levers or destroying clockwork soldiers will not alert him or activate any more soldiers.
Leave the lab via the red carpeted hallway. Come to a room with an audiograph and a photo of Breanna Ashworth. Pull the lever and run to the left-hand corner of the room (see picture below). Loot Jindosh's secret safe below.
Special Action: Secret Repository
Push the red button to go back up. Pull the lever again. Grab the painting (5/6) of Jindosh from the wall above the table. Pull the lever yet again, and step into Jindosh's room while the wall section is rotating.
Pull the lever once more. A closet is revealed at right. Enter it, push the red button, collect the bone charm (7/8), and push the red button again to return.
A clockwork soldier is patrolling this area. Evade it by hiding on the balcony. If you want to destroy it, stand on the tall cabinet by the door that it walks in from, close the door behind it, and jump on its head.
Alternatively, use a stun mine or rewire the other soldier that’s still in sleep mode and have them fight it out, though there’s no guarantee that "your" soldier will win.
Rescuing Sokolov​
Two ways to the chamber where Sokolov is held: (1) the elevator behind the elite guards; or (2) the elevator in Jindosh's office. These take you to separate sides of the chamber, both equally easy. Below I do the latter.
Return to the elevator through the red carpet hallway or via the balconies outside. Ride it down to the Assessment Chamber. Rewire the wall of light: if you pull out the whale oil tank, the elite guard patrolling here will notice.
Avoid the elite guard, or stun her and hide her body on top of the pipes. Get a bone charm (8/8) from the drawer.
Walk around the chamber. Stun or avoid the two guards patrolling near the kitchen. If you stun them, hide their bodies well. A good place is by the rubble under the stairs leading down to the chamber.
Go downstairs to the chamber entrance and pull the lever. Stand on the pressure plate when the clockwork soldier is crossing in front of you, as it cannot see sideways. You have five options to deal with the clockwork soldier:
Jump up and attack it from above. This only works if you have all levels of Agility and the Monkey Wrench Masterwork sword upgrade. You also need to stand exactly by its side, where it cannot see you.
Throw a sticky grenade at it, timing it perfectly so that it explodes precisely when it hits the clockwork; then finish off the now-headless soldier with your sword.
Place a stun mine in its path. When it's stunned, quickly rewire it or destroy it; or one stun mine will suffice to destroy it if you have the Extra Charge upgrade.
Wait for it to pass before stepping on the first pressure plate. Hide in the L-shaped corner to your left while it comes to investigate. Stand at its left side and you have a direct shot at rewiring it.
- Hide from it the entire time. This requires patience. Step on the various pressure plates around the chamber, rearranging the walls to remain hidden from the clockwork. To reveal Sokolov's location, either shoot a bolt at the planks covering the pressure plate on the floor (and then hide as the soldier searches), or reach the very end of the chamber where there's some loot on a bookcase, step on the nearest pressure plate, and jump over the wall while it's rearranging: you'll land straight into Sokolov's cell.
Special Action: Flawless Extraction
FAS/ZRP. Methods 2-5 all work.
Inside Sokolov's cell, grab the painting (6/6) of "Grim Alex" and grab the unconscious Sokolov. You can break the planks on the pressure plate inside the cell without the clockwork soldier hearing you.
If you destroyed or rewired the clockwork, just walk out. Otherwise, as soon as you step on the pressure plate under the boards you can blink to the exit as the wall lowers.
FAS. If the soldier is still active, sneak around it and follow the same steps as above, but backward.
Take Sokolov upstairs. If the guards by the kitchen have started patrolling this area, either wait for them to turn their back to you before you go up with Sokolov. If you had stunned these two guards previously, two more will arrive to take their place. Follow the same strategy.
Leaving the Mansion
Overlooking the assessment chamber is a mechanical wall with a crawlspace above it (see picture below). Above that is the waiting room where the two nobles are chatting.
Blink to the crawlspace, or pull the lever to lower the waiting room and then walk into the crawlspace. Either way, leave Sokolov in the crawlspace for now.
Wait until the nobles walk out into the chamber. Pull the crawlspace lever. Walk out behind the nobles. Pull the lever again to bring the waiting room down, then once more to make it go back up, but this time walk into it.
When you're upstairs, step out of the waiting room by the guard sleeping on the bench. Pull the lever outside the waiting room. The room above it will be revealed and you can get a blueprint (4/4) and some loot.
Return to the crawlspace where you left Sokolov and grab him. Pull the lever behind the nobles in the assessment chamber and walk in to the solarium roof is when it is revealed.
Follow the service hallway back to the "Dining Room" sign. From here, there are two ways out. For a powers run, I recommend the former; for a no-powers run, the latter.
Exit via the atrium. Open the window right of the sign, avoid the elite guards in the hallway, and go through the glass doors at right. Pull the lever, climb the wall that lowers in front of you, blink across the large room, open the door to the outer waiting area, and close it behind you. If you're fast enough, the clockwork soldier that just activated won't see you.
Exit via the crawlspace. At the Dining Room sign, turn right. Pull the lever and wait for the shift to finish. Pull the lever again. Jump to the red stairs, which are currently flattened and that are about to be rearranged into steps. Climb up them as they unfold. You'll find yourself in the upper atrium, overlooking a clockwork soldier patrolling downstairs. Go around the balcony until you're just above the double glass doors that lead out of the mansion, distract the clockwork by shooting a bolt at the base of the staircase, and run outside.
Leave the mansion to get in the carriage and return to the Lower Aventa District.
If at any time in the Jindosh Mansion a clockwork soldier was destroyed, either by you or by another clockwork that you've rewired, you'll get the Display Case Collectible: Clockwork Soldier Head.
There are no more guards or Howlers, but three witches have arrived: two are roaming about and one is sitting on the guard post. Sleep-dart them from a distance, or sting one with a howling bolt and do the other two in turn.
ZRP. Shoot the witch sitting on the guard post with a howling bolt​. She can't run anywhere, so she'll turn away from you instead. When the other two aren't looking, leave Aventa Station with Sokolov through the disabled wall of light. Quickly dip right and sprint: neither the witches nor the civilians nearby will spot you.
Finish any activities that you didn't do before, such as: collecting the rune in the backyard, getting the bone charm and painting in the apartment, or visiting and/or robbing the black market shop.
With Sokolov in tow, return to the start. Speak to Meagan Foster and return to the Dreadful Wale.
The screenshots below were taken after a No-Powers run, when there is no rune in the black market shop.