Mission #5
Recommended powers to have at the start:
Emily: Agility, Far Reach, Dark Vision, Pull, Domino, Link Three, Link Four + Premonition, Charm Crafting
Corvo: Agility, Blink, Greater Blink, Dark Vision, Bend Time + Stop Time, Charm Crafting
Meet Delilah in the Void.
Speak to Hypatia, Meagan, and Sokolov to advance the story.
Loot the boat and pickpocket the workers nearby. In the back alley at left, blink up to the scaffolding, or climb up to it via the rocks on the left so that the Howlers in the alley don't see you.
If you want to stun the Howlers, do it they're all facing the same way, starting with the one who's standing with by the window. With powers, this is best done with Domino (Emily) or Bend Time (Corvo). Alternatively, toss a jar of chloroform at their feet when all three are standing together, toward the beginning of their interaction.
High Chaos. There are only two Howlers, not three.​ Just choke them one by one.
ZRP. You can get into the black market shop by dropping down from the scaffolding while the Howlers aren't looking in your direction. Just drop down on the railing and they can't see you; then, to leave the shop, sneak to the rocks by the exit. You can also distract them by shooting a bolt near the closed gate at the back of this alley.
Make your purchases at the shop and get the Roseburrow Prototype side quest. Buy the Safe Combination now: while you can steal it later, it requires a lot of tedious backtracking, so for just 250 coins it's worth it.
Enter the building across from the black market shop by using the back door. If you didn't dispose of the Howlers, sneak around them and use one of the open windows instead of the door.
Go up to the third floor. Enter the apartment and go out on the terrace with the windmill via the glass door. This terrace can also be reached by blinking up to the balconies overlooking the boat, skipping the back alley altogether​.
Climb up to the broken balcony via the crates and pipes while the guards below talk. Drop down into the Overseer outpost through the solarium roof, as shown below:
Stun the Overseer, loot the place, get a map of the Royal Conservatory on the wall, and listen to the audiograph.
​Special Action: Spying Overseers
ZRP. Finish your looting, disarm the tripwire however, and open the door. Play the audiograph and quickly bolt out the door. The Overseer will be alerted, but he won't see you if you were fast enough.
Return to the terrace and cross the street via the pipes to the scaffolding in the corner. Alternatively, go back down to street level, cross behind the train car when the patrol is walking away, and then climb up to the scaffolding.
There are three ways to cross the wall of light, all doable with or without powers, and without takedowns.
Disable the wall. Sneak or blink to the whale oil tank, which is under the corner scaffolding, when the patrols aren't looking. You may want to use a stinging bolt on one or two of them to facilitate this task. Then simply cross the disabled wall and quickly dip right to avoid detection.
Use the rear courtyard (without key). Climb up to the covered bridge with Delilah's banners. Blink or climb up to the balcony above the guard post, and then climb further up to access the courtyard. Keep using the pipes and scaffolding to cross the rear courtyard, avoiding the two witches conversing below.
Use the rear courtyard (with key). From the covered bridge, jump down on the guard post roof, get down on the left, peek from the outpost's open side and steal the Courtyard Gate Key from the guard inside; you can also open the hatch on top, drop down, and steal the key, but then it's harder to escape. Open the gate to the courtyard and immediately jump up at left to avoid being seen by the two witches. This sequence requires perfect timing, so you may want to dispose of a couple of guards with stinging bolts before you begin.
However you cross the wall, climb up to the large building with the solarium. On the terrace are an elite guard and a servant talking (low chaos) or fighting (high chaos). Ignore them. Jump to this lamppost and then to this balcony:
Disarm the tripwires in this derelict building and loot the launchers. Climb upstairs and get two runes (1-2/6) from the Outsider Shrine (1/1).
Return to the solarium roof. Go downstairs to the second-floor pub. Get a bone charm (1/9) from the card table.
Return to the solarium roof again. Jump across to the bloodfly-infested condemned building. Stun the nest keeper on the left. Use incendiary bolts, flammable bottles, or your pistol (gunshots won't be heard) on the bloodfly nests.
Get a bone charm (2/9) from the floor near the nest keeper and a painting (1/3) of Breanna Ashworth from the wall. Loot the rest of the apartment, including the safe with the combination you purchased from the black market.
From the balcony of the bloodfly apartment, jump on to the watchtower as shown below. Disable it.
The Royal Conservatory
There are seven ways to enter the Royal Conservatory:
Main entrance. Past the wall of light and to the right is the main entrance, which is fairly heavily guarded.
Sewer entrance #1. Drop down to the courtyard just before the wall of light. Go under the tunnel, swim down the fountain on the right, and come out the other way into the sewer.​
Sewer entrance #2. The same area can be reached via a staircase, accessible from the outer courtyard from the opposite end of the street as the watchtower.
Basement window. A small open window at ground level, leading to the archives. Can be reached either after dropping down from the watchtower or by crossing the wall of light.
Ticket office window. Past the main entrance and past the courtyard with the tortoise, in the right-hand corner is a small open window right behind the ticket counter.
Kitchen window. Blink up to the ledge from the ground floor, or cross the main road via the scaffolding on the far right of the map, opposite the watchtower.
Roof. Blink all the way up to the roof by using the ledges outside the windows on the second, third, and fourth floors; then enter either through a broken solarium window or through a door right above Breanna's office.
In this guide, I use method #4 as a way in and method #6 as a way out, but the choice is yours.​​​​​
After entering the basement, get a bone charm (3/9) from the quartermaster's office, then leave via the door.
Kill the gravehound with a crossbow bolt, then shoot the skull again to prevent it from respawning. Loot the area.
Climb up on the pipes at right. Go through a small opening. Ignore witches and bloodflies. Sneak to the elevator at the other end of the room and ride it up to the top floor. Some witches will be suspicious but won't detect you.
From inside the elevator, blink or jump up to the top of the elevator shaft. There's a small nest with pillows, some books, and a bone charm (4/9).
FAS. You can also jump up on the overhead flower bed and reenter the elevator shaft via the hatch​.
Exit via the vent to the top of the conservatory and walk around the ledge to the opposite side. Enter Breanna's lab through the open window. Ignore Breanna's office downstairs. Get the Discarded Lenses from a desk.
Return to the top of the conservatory and locate the Oculus device. It's the blue lights on the left in this picture:
Drop down to the bookcases near the Oculus. When no witches are nearby, sneak to the device, install the lenses, and pull the lever. Sleep-dart Breanna as soon as she appears. Collect two bone charms (5-6/9) from her.
​Special Action: Witch No More
ZRP. This nonlethal takedown is required to advance the story. Also, it must be done with a sleep dart, as Breanna will resist choking and will detect you.
Now that all the witches throughout the Royal Conservatory are stunned, you're free to walk about and loot.​
Attic. Get a rune ​(3/6) on the far right of the roof by the fires, a bone charm (7/9) in the greenhouse, and the Display Case Collectible: Broken Whalebone Sword from a glass case by the staircase.
Third floor. Lots of bloodfly nests, lots of loot, and a bone charm (8/9) suspended in mid-air by a projector screen. Get the Archive Key in Breanna's office and a painting (2/3) on the stairs. Speak to Delilah's statue.
Special Action: Parley with Delilah
Second floor. Get a rune (4/6) by the corpse, loot the offices, and go to the security room. Rewire the system and grab the Roseburrow Prototype. If you don't rewire the system, it will count as an alarm rung.
Ground floor. Get some loot and a blueprint (1/3) in the wall of light workshop.
Basement. Open the archives with the key. Listen to the audiograph. Get a rune (5/6) and a painting (3/3) from behind the bookcases. Get the bone charm from the quartermaster's office if you hadn't already.
Returning to the Skiff​
There are many ways out of the conservatory. I recommend the kitchen window on the second floor, which was labeled as method #6 above.​ Go all the way left to the rocks. Cross the street via the large copper pipe to a balcony.
Inside this ​apartment is a bone charm (9/9), more information on the Roseburrow Prototype you stole, some loot, and a blueprint (2/3). The stairwell of this building is full of tripwires and loaded bolt launchers.
Return to the black market shop near the start by blinking across the roofs and the covered bridge.
FAS. Drop down to the street from the apartment you were just in. Stay low and hug the left side. Cross the portico in the picture below while avoiding patrols and the watchtower. Enter the first glass door on the left. Climb up to the pub on the second floor, go out on the balcony, and jump to the covered bridge from there.
Once you're back at the black market, make your purchases and get a blueprint (3/3) for finishing the side quest.
Shoot the red support that holds up the chain behind the grate (see below) and grab the crank wheel on the floor.
Go back to the boat. Attach the wheel on the post on the other bank. Crank open the gate. Swim to the chain and climb up. Sneak in and loot the shop, including a rune (6/6) if you're playing with powers.
Special Action: Black Market Heist
ZRP. As usual, there's no need to stun the shopkeeper to rob a black market shop.
Return to Meagan Foster and the skiff.