Mission #6
Recommended powers to have at the start:
By now, either character should have all the powers required for stealth gameplay.
Emily: Agility, Far Reach, Dark Vision, Pull, Domino, Link Three, Link Four, Premonition, Charm Crafting
Corvo: Agility, Blink, Greater Blink, Dark Vision, Bend Time, Stop Time, Premonition, Charm Crafting
Speak to Sokolov, check out the board, and then go meet him at the skiff.
Go up to the Batista Overlook. Go left. Sneak behind​ two guards and into the dust-filled storefront on the left. Climb up to the roof of the building with the windmill.
Wait for the​​​ dust storm. Go out onto the terrace. Climb over the parapet. Drop down to the red canopy. Cross the road and jump up on the corner wooden scaffolding on the other side. Hug the left wall and cross the road again by sneaking behind the large concrete pillars . If you're quick, you can do all of this before the dust storm passes.
Enter the derelict apartment and go up through the ceiling. Speak to Meagan Foster.
Drop down to the courtyard with the statue of Duke Abele. Behind you is a door boarded up with planks. Break them, go in, and get a rune (1/5) from a cabinet.
Across the square is the Jindosh Lock that leads to Aramis Stilton's manor. Ignore it for now and go right instead, into the Dust District and further below, into Valia Street. Shop at the black market when the Howlers leave.
There are many ways to complete this level:
Kill or stun Paolo and deliver him to the Overseers. Special Action: Theocratic Support.
Kill or stun Byrne and deliver him to the Howlers. Special Action: Power of the Streets.
write his name in the Book of the Fallen near his study to get the Special Action: Book of the Fallen​
Kill or stun both Paolo and Byrne and lock both in the crates. Special Action: Another Solution.
Ignore both leaders and find the combination from Durante's diary. Special Action: Uninvolved.
Solve the riddle right away without finding any clues. Special Action: Jindosh Lock.
Obviously, these are mutually exclusive. In this guide I do option #3, which is by far the most complete.
Overseers (Hostile)
Go to the entrance to Overseer territory near the black market shop. Climb up on the rocks to the right of the Overseer standing guard. Cross the road behind him. Stay hidden below and behind the wooden scaffolding.
There is a lot of loot in this area, but it'll be easier to get it later, after the Overseers turn neutral.
Turn the corner and climb up the scaffolding until you reach a narrow triangular section with an open window on the second floor of the Overseer outpost, as per the picture below:
Enter the outpost through the window. Walk on the ledge at left, avoiding patrolling Overseers. Go to the elevator behind the barracks. Climb the stairs to the top floor. Go right until you look over Byrne's office.
​Wait until he's done talking and sits down. Drop down and stun him. Get Durante's Key from his desk. Grab his body, open the window, and climb out onto the scaffolding.
Blink to the pillar in the middle of the square, then to the balconies on the left. Cross the "neutral" alley and go on to Howler territory. You may loot the apartment at left if you wish, but do not alert the two journalists.
​FAS. Jump down to the pillar, then further down into the street. Hug the left wall and enter the journalist's apartment via the stacked crates in the corner. This can be done without using a dust storm as cover, but of course it's much easier if you wait for one. Alternatively, go back the way you came, staying low and behind the triangular scaffolding. Get down from the rocks away from the Overseer standing guard and the civilians sitting nearby, then go to Howler territory by staying up on the wooden covered level. Civilians must not see you.
Leave the journalists' apartment from the other window, climb on to the half-broken solarium roof, and drop down to street level. Bring Byrne to the Howlers until you receive notice​ that they've become neutral.
Do not turn him over to Paolo in the saloon! Instead, just leave his body hidden somewhere it won't be seen. A good place is under the large boiler on the saloon's ground floor, by the tiny window that leads into the basement.
Howlers (Neutral)
First, take out Paolo. He's in the bar downstairs. Climb up to the third floor, get out the window overlooking the inner patio, and walk out onto the copper pipe below the terrace. From here you can snipe him with a sleep dart.
Immediately run back inside. Paolo has respawned in his room and is looking for you. Stay hidden and sleep-dart him again to get rid of him for good, or plant a stun mine near the door where he'll be respawning.
If you killed (not stunned) Paolo in Aventa two missions ago​, here you can earn the "Place of Three Deaths" achievement by killing (not stunning) him twice again. Once the achievement is gained, reload your game and just sleep-dart him this time to preserve your no-kill score for this mission.
ZRP. This nonlethal (double) takedown is required for this strategy.
Now you can loot the Howlers' territory freely, starting with the Crone's Hand Saloon.
Third floor. From Paolo's office get three bone charms (1-3/8) from his body, two paintings (1-2/3) of Paolo and Vera Moray, and two runes (2-3/5) from the Outsider Shrine (1/1).
There's a bloodfly-infested building next door, accessible via a balcony outside Paolo's window. Inside are two nest keepers and some loot, and on the ground floor is a rune (4/5).​
Second floor. In Paolo's room is a blueprint (1/2) in the blue crate. Also enter Durante's office, where you can get some loot, a bone charm (4/8), the Jindosh Lock Combination, and the Silvergraph Studio Key. You can also speak to Mindy Blanchard here: she's out on the terrace near Durante's office.
First floor. Minor loot throughout.
Basement. Ignore the Howler and the captured Overseer and get a blueprint (2/2) and a bone charm (5/8).
Grab Paolo from the top floor and leave from a third- or second-floor window. Drop down to the scaffolding and go left toward the collapsed building. Climb up to the roof of the next building over, then onto a balcony on the right, and you'll be back in the neutral alley. You don't need a dust storm as cover for this.
Drop down under the portico and bring Paolo to the Overseers. Again, stash his body somewhere it won't be seen, such as the empty prison in the basement.​​​
Overseers (Neutral)
Now you can loot the Overseer territory freely, starting with the outpost.
Attic. A painting (3/3) of Aramis Stilton and an audiograph of Lucia Pastor and Stilton speaking.
Third floor. A bone charm (6/8) in a desk cabinet in Byrne's office​; minor loot in the rooms on either side.
Second floor. Pickpocket the Confiscation Room Key from a sleeping Overseer. The room is the small closet behind the Overseer typing at his desk. Get a rune (5/5) from the crate.
Ground floor. Minor loot and Durante's letter in his old cell.
Exit the outpost from the main atrium and go right. In a little side alley on the left you can blink up to the pipes leading to a boarded-up window. Break the planks and go in. This is Corvo's childhood home. Move the bricks on the wall in the back room and collect the Display Case Collectible: Blade Verbena Trophy.
FAS. Jump to the narrow ledge on the left in the first picture below. Shimmy over to the balcony above and jump on it. Follow the white pipe into the alley at left and climb up. From here, jump to the plank that is just below the boarded-up window, as in the second picture. It's a difficult jump and it may take a few tries.
​Special Action: Childhood Home
Now that you have both Paolo and Byrne, bring their unconscious bodies to the Silvergraph Studio, the shop in the middle of the neutral alley. Place them in the crates.
​Special Action: Another Solution
Get a lot of loot from this shop. From the wall near the front door, get a painting with Meagan Foster in it.
​Display Case Collectible: Skiff Approaching Dockyard
Above this shop is a painter's studio with minor loot and a bone charm (7/8).​
Return to the black market shop. Sneak under the hole in the brick wall to its right, exit the other side, and go left. Peek in the window at left and see the boards blocking the door (first picture below). Shoot them with a bolt.
Return to the shop's building and enter the apartment on the second floor, just above the shop. Near the farthest window is a note with a clue: the date a certain wedding took place; e.g., "married in the month of Nets."
Check out the circled date on the calendar near the door (second picture below). In this case, it's the 15th day of Nets, or 3-15. This is the door combination for the shop. It varies with each playthrough, so this may be different.
Make your purchases at the shop if needed. Enter the door combination in the foyer, go in, and loot the shop, including a bone charm (8/8) and a Map of Aramis Stilton's Home.
​Special Action: Black Market Heist
Return to the Jindosh Lock and open it with the combination to exit the level.​