1. The Beach
After the introductory cutscene, look around and get a feel of the controls. Mina needs to eat to replenish her strength: the green bar at left needs to be full before we can leave the beach.
Go toward the cliff away from the sea. Witness a ghostly apparition. There's a seagull nest, but you can't get up there yet. Get an egg +1 from the lower nest and pick up a rusty key +1 from the ground.
Go right toward the blackened area, a fireplace. Pick up a sandstone +1 and the flint +1.
Go to the wooden planks coming out of the sand, the wreck of an old boat. Use the sandstone on the biggest plank with a metal cap to get the rusty metal +1 and driftwood +1. Also pick up the wet seaweed +1.
Rusty metal + sandstone = knife. +1
Flint + rusty metal or knife = lighter. +1
Disassemble the lighter.
Knife + driftwood = knife with handle. +1
Go the archway in the cliff. Collect five oysters +5 from the pond. Two are on the poles coming out of the pond; their clickable areas are tiny, so look hard.
Move away from the archway and toward the palms. Get lichen +1 from the rocks at right. Dig in the sand at left to reveal a trunk and two eggs. Pick up the two turtle eggs +1 and use the nail on the trunk to pick the lock. Inside are a broken telescope +1 and the silver coins +1.
Nail + broken telescope = lens. +1
Go toward the palms. Turn around and pick up the green coconut +1 that just fell behind you. Dig in the sand at left to find another two turtle eggs. +1
Move further in. Pick up the young palm +1, a green coconut +1 and a brown coconut +1. Before you are two crabs eating a porcupine. They will attack if you touch them, so grab the first crab +1 when it's not looking and then do the same with the second crab +1. Get the porcupine too +1.
Sandstone + brown coconut = stripped coconut and coconut fibers. +2
Knife + porcupine = quills and a porcupine without quills. +2
Sandstone + stripped coconut = losing the coconut. +1
Go back and toward the ascending slope near the fireplace. Pick up the metal plaque +1 and the worms +1. Use the knife on the thorny vine to the right to obtain acacia thorns +1, then use the knife with handle to cut down the curved thorns +1 from a branch hanging overhead.
Metal plaque + flint = lighter. (no points, but frees up the knife)
Metal plaque + sandstone = knife. (in case you broke the other)
Go all the way up the slope. Pick up the forked branch +1 and the amadou +1. Use your knife on the hanging vines at right to get a thin vine +1.
Go back to the fireplace. You only get one point regardless of how many ways you can make a fire:
Lens + palm + lichen = fire. +1
Lighter + driftwood + amadou = fire.
Acacia thorns on fire = curved acacia thorns. +1
Curved thorns or curved acacia thorns + driftwood or forked branch + worms + coconut fibers = fishing rod. +1
Return to the oyster pond and use the fishing rod on the water to get fish. +1
Use the fire on the fireplace. Time to eat:
Rusty key + egg = drink the egg. +1
Knife + oyster = eat the oyster. +1
Knife + green coconut = brown coconut.
Knife + coconut = eat coconut +1
Two crabs on the fire = eat the crabs.
Fish on the fire = eat the fish.
Three eggs on the fire = eat the eggs.
Four oysters on the fire = eat the oysters.
The largest oyster has a pearl in it. +1
Make sure to keep one turtle egg and one coconut for later.
The knife will break if you try to open more than two oysters with it. Only the first oyster gives you a point. If you've done everything as above, you should have exactly one egg and one coconut left.
Save your game. Return to the cliff where you found the egg and rusty key. Use either the driftwood or the forked branch to reach the bird's nest above you. The egg will break, but a feather is falling: if you can catch it while it's still flying, you get eleven points. If you pick it up when it's on the ground, you only get one. +11
Go back up the slope and click on the wooden logs above to access the inland.
Maximum possible points so far: 59
2. The Inland
Pick up the young palm tree in front of you. +1
Move ahead to the crossroads. Use the knife on the bush: get hibiscus fibers. +1
Knife + young palm tree = incomplete bow. +1
Incomplete bow + hibiscus fibers = bow. +1
If you follow the poles and wires you'll get to a dead end. Use the knife on the plant near the dead rodent to get a narcotic plant. +1
Head for the steam you see rising from the ground. It's a sulfurous pond. Trap the snake with a forked branch. Use the knife on the tree bark to get rubber +1. Use the knife on the bush to get medicinal herbs +1. Remove the branch to free the snake and go back to the crossroads where you found the hibiscus.
Move ahead toward the wheat field you see in the distance. You hear a blood-curling scream.
Go right, into the pine woods. Pick up three pine kernels +3 from the ground and the brick mould +1 from the broken stairs. There's a vine hanging overhead, but Mina you can't get it now, nor can you can't use the stairs to get to the windmill.
Go back and cross the wheat field. A scarecrow hangs from a tree. Click on it to collect four dirty cloths +1. Also pick up two lemons +2 and two oranges. +2
One road is blocked by bratty monkeys throwing stones at you. There's some wheat there, so use the knife on it to get straw and wheat grains. +1
Forked branch + rubber = slingshot. +1
Optional. Use the slingshot to shoot rubber at the monkeys. As you hit them, the green bar on the screen will lower. When it's empty, the monkeys flee and let you pass. It's challenging, but you do get 10 points if you succeed. If you don't want to do this, you can chase the monkeys away later. +10
Across from the monkeys is a swamp. Observe the scary big cat footsteps, then collect many goodies: clay +1 from the swamp; two large bamboo pieces +2; a medium bamboo piece +1; some small bamboo shots +1; some wickers +1; some elderberry pith +1; and some willow bark +1. You must use the knife on some of these to collect them.
Clay + brick mould = unfired bricks. +1
Get more clay from the swamp. +1
Porcupine quills + wicker + feathers = arrows. +1
Arrows + bow = bow with arrows. +1
Now you must fire the bricks. There are two ways to do so: (1) If you've scared away the monkeys, you can proceed past them to the kiln, pick up the logs +1, make a fire in the kiln, and fire the bricks there. Lens or lighter + logs or palm or driftwood + amadou or lichen = fire. (2) If you haven't scared away the monkeys, you can go all the way back to the beach and use the fire there to make the bricks.
Go to the workshop with the broken kiln. Walk inside the hut and meet Jep the monkey; ignore him for now. Pick up another brick mould. +1
Clay + brick mould = more unfired bricks.
Get more clay at the swamp. +1
Use clay on the rotating plates in the workshop = unfired pottery. +1
Get even more clay at the swamp. +1
To cook the pottery, we'll need to repair the bellows in the kiln... Go back to the beach and pick up the dead seal that wasn't there before. +1
Use the knife on the seal to get sealskin, seal fat, and tendons. +3
You can disassemble the fishing rod and make it again using the tendons instead of the coconut fibers, but doing so won't give you any extra points.
Go to a fire (either beach or kiln) and use both sets of unfired bricks on it. You'll get four sets of bricks. +2
Use one set of bricks on the broken stairs and one on the broken kiln. You can now access the windmill from both directions: from the kiln and from the grove. +5
Go to the bellows at the kiln and use the sealskin on it to repair it. Pump it once. Place the unfired pottery in the fire to get pots +1. Now you have unlimited pottery.
At the windmill, get the pickax +1, the metal fork +1 , and the wooden fork +1 from the ground. Then get the strong cloth +1 from the trunk. Inside the trunk are some copper coins +1 and a hint that tells you where to find the silver coins that you already have. Also pick up grapes +1 from the vine. You can't repair the mill right now, for the monkey is blocking it.
Go to the lake: past the wheat field to the right. Along the way, use the knife on the red maple tree and click on the sap to collect two bowls of maple syrup. +1
At the lake, click on the water to make Mina drink and then once more to have her take a bath. Now follow this sequence:
Click on the lake a third time to get some water. +1
Water bowl + dirty cloth = clean cloth. +1
Wash the remaining three cloths directly in the lake. +3
Alternatively, draw a bowl of water, combine it with a cloth, and then repeat:
the point total doesn't change (your points may come from
washing cloths in the lake or from drawing water, but not from both).
Before you leave the lake, also:
Get more water. +1
Water bowl + medicinal herbs = remedy. +1
Get more water. +1
Water bowl + willow bark = another remedy.
Get more water. +1
Notice the brick wall on the right: you can use the pickax to break the wall, but it's too dark and you can't go in yet.
It's optional when to do this, but you must do it, and now is a good time. Plus, it gives you plenty of hints on what's to come:
Golden coins + copper coins + lemon + medium bamboo piece + clean cloth = Volta battery. +1
Now you can recharge your phone and receive news and phone calls. The best thing about having your cell phone back is that the encyclopedia is now online: you can obtain very useful information about any item by simply selecting it in your Inventory. This gives you a lot of hints when making combinations.
Go to the kiln. Burn one of your clean cloths on the fire to get a burnt cloth. +1
Maximum possible points so far: 132
3. A Monkey Named Jep
To heal Jep:
Use both remedies on the kiln fire to get two boiled remedies +2
Use a clean cloth on Jep to bandage him.
Give him water.
Give him both boiled remedies.
Give him three pine kernels.
Slice up your last coconut and give it to him.
Keep some fruit. You should have 2 oranges, 1 lemon, 1 grape.
From now on, you can use Jep to reach high places. He can also hold some tools and perform certain tasks. Equip Jep in your inventory, then use him on the nest in the workshop to get a bird's egg.
Burn the dry seaweed on the kiln to get soda +1. Go back to the lake and get some more water +1. Now you can do all of this:
Soda + seal fat = glycerin and soap. +2
Straw + coconut fibers = mattress. +1
Mattress + Jep = Jep takes a nap. +6
Soap + Jep = give Jep a bath. +3
Use soap on Lake = Mina takes another bath. +2
Also, you can combine Jep+clay +1, then get more clay +1 at the swamp, and then disassemble Jep and the clay. Now you have two pieces of clay! (Thanks to Dave McB for this one!)
You could do the windmill now, but it's better if you have alcohol first.
Go to the pine grove. Combine Jep + knife +1 and use him on the overhead vines. Mina will make two rope ladders +1. Go back to the rope bridge. Combine Jep + rope ladder +1 and use him on one of the poles: he'll be the craftiest monkey of all time and build you a rope bridge...
Across the bridge is an aggressive monkey. You have two ways to get rid of him. Eiither is worth +5. You can't do both, and neither makes any difference for the remainder of the game:
Throw a bamboo rod in the sulfur pond to scare the monkey away.
Give the monkey the cake if you already have it: he will eat it and sleep.
Trap the snake and use it on the monkey to scare him away.
see below for instructions on trapping the snake
Look around and pick up a broken cage +1, some sulfur +1, and some coal +1. Go to the burned land and collect potash +1 and iron sulfate +1. Nothing else to do here, so go back across the rope bridge.
Broken cage + wicker = cage. +1
Go to the sulfur springs and use the forked branch on the snake to trap it again. Then use the cage on the trapped snake to capture the caged snake. +1
Return to the beach where you started, past the archway and the oyster pond, and into the palms grove where the crabs were. Use Jep on the coconut on the palm: it will fall down. Pick up the green coconut +1 and combine it with the knife to open it and get a striped coconut.
Maximum possible points so far: 169
4. On the Trail of Captain Nemo
At the beach, go to the ledge where you first saw Captain Nemo's ghost at the beginning. Combine Jep and your other rope ladder and use him on the highest ledge: he will secure the ladder so you can climb up to the Granite House.
Grab the mysterious key +1, the diving suit +1, and the musical score +1 from beside Captain Nemo's body. Face the entrance and get the egg +1 from the nest.
Can't go ahead or left because it's too dark. Go right. Pick up the planks +1, two sets of iron flings +1, two sets of nails +1, a hammer +1, a screwdriver +1, and some wire roll +1.
Open the trunk to get two sailor shirts +1 and three wick rolls +1. Go toward the window and get a cannonball+1 and the barrel of hardened gunpowder +1.
Knife + one shirts = two clean cloths. Keep the other shirt!
On the table by the cannon are photos +1 and a set of rods and tube +1. If you read the torn pages on the table, you'll see that certain tools can be combined to make a Becquerel battery, an energy generator, but right now you lack some of the ingredients. There are also instructions to make a Volta battery, which you might already have made; see above.
Move to the next room and pick up charcoal +1 and a steel chain +1. Get the coil +1, the heater +1, the boiler tank +1, and the amadou +1.
Coil + heater + boiler tank = still. +1
Place the still on the hot plate over the fireplace and light the fire beneath it.
Lens or lighter + burnt cloth + coal = fire.
Do not use charcoal to light a fire, as you will need it soon.
It's time to play little chemist! First, disassemble the Volta battery to get the lemon back, which gives you one more fruit to use in the still. Then:
Burn another cloth on the fire = burnt cloth. +1
Maple syrup on fire = sugar. +1
Sugar in still = alcohol. +1
Lemon in still = alcohol. +1
Lemon in still = alcohol. +1
Orange in still = alcohol. +1
Orange in still = alcohol. +1
Coconut in still = alcohol. +1
Iron sulfate in still = sulfuric acid. +1
Now you should have only one fruit left (e.g., grapes), plus water, wheat, one maple syrup, and three eggs. Keep these ingredients.
Go back to Captain Nemo's body: it's time to give him proper burial as he has requested earlier in your dream:
Planks + hammer + nails = coffin. +1
Use the coffin on the body and the puller on the coffin to bury Captain Nemo on the beach.
If you had already found the giant oyster earlier, and thus the pearl, here nothing will happen. Otherwise, after the cutscene Captain Nemo's ghost points you to the oyster pond under the archway: go there to find the giant oyster, open it on a fire, and get the pearl.
Go back to Granite Cave, then climb back down, and then back up. A monkey throws down the rope ladder! Remember what you read about how those men created a back-route into the cave? That's what you'll use. You've seen it already, by the lake: it's that dark tunnel behind the brick wall that was too dark for Mina to get in. Recover the rope ladder first. +1
Go back inland and to the kiln by the hut where you found Jep. Boil the water on the fire and then use one of these two methods to get a light (or better yet, do both to get all three points, even if you end up with one useless item):
Boiling water + glycerin = candle wax. +1
Candle wax + wick = candle. +1
Seal fat + wick = oil lamp. +1
Go to the windmill. Combine Jep with some alcohol (obtaining Jep+gift +1) and use him on the monkey blocking the windmill to make him let go. Use the strong cloth on the windmill to fix it. Go inside.
Combine Jep+seal fat +1 and use him on the top of the windmill to grease it. Now it works! Use the wheat grains on the container in front of you to make flour +1.Use the hardened gunpowder on the container to make gunpowder +1.
Go back to the kiln. Use the bowl of maple syrup on the fire to make sugar +1. Then go back to the lake again and collect some more water. +1
Water + flour + egg + sugar + any fruit = ready-to-bake cake. +1
Get more water +1 from the lake. Use the ready-to-bake cake on the kiln to get a cake +1.
Use either the candle or the oil lamp on the dark passage, then go in. Go down the passage and pick up the gun +1 and the non-working lantern +1.
Same aggressive monkey. You can get rid of it in three ways, either worth +5:
use the cake on the monkey: he will eat it and fall asleep;
use the alcohol on the monkey: he will drink it and fall asleep;
use the caged snake on the monkey: he will run away.
Move forward. Back to Granite House. Go right. You hear some scary noises from the hole in the ground. Pick up the broken projector +1 from the table, another non-working lantern +1, the sulfur +1, and the concentrated sulfuric acid +1.
Go down the hole and pick up the air tank +1 and the helmet +1.
Collect some saltpeter from the wall behind you. +1
Sulfuric acid + saltpeter = sulfuric acid and saltpeter. +1
Take saltpeter. +1
Concentrated sulfuric acid + saltpeter = sulfuric acid and saltpeter.
Take saltpeter. +1
Saltpeter + sulfur + charcoal = gunpowder. +1
Take saltpeter. +1
Saltpeter + sulfur + charcoal = gunpowder.
Take saltpeter. +1
Go back to the still:
Sulfuric acid and saltpeter on the still = three jars of nitric acid. +1
Nitric acid + sulfuric acid + elderberry pith = guncotton. +1
Alternatively, use the other sulfuric acid/saltpeter on the still to get three more jars of nitric acid, which still gives you one point.
Nitric acid + rods + clay + potash = Becquerel battery. +1
Nitric acid + glycerin = nitroglycerin. +1
Wick + clay + nitroglycerin = dynamite. +1
Now you can also fix some of those broken items:
Becquerel or Volta battery + non-working lanterns = lanterns. +1
Lens + broken projector + lantern + photos = projector. +1
Go back to the room with the hole in the ground. Place the repaired projector on the stool and watch the slides +2.
You've used all your clay for the dynamite and the Becquerel battery, so go back out and get more clay +1 and then yet more clay +1 using the Jep trick again.
Return to Granite House:
Air tank + helmet + lantern + diving suit = diving suit. +1
Gun + gunpowder + iron filings = loaded gun. +1
Porcupine + narcotic plants = laced bait. +1
Go back down the hole. Now you have two ways to get rid of the shark, neither of which gives you any points:
Use the laced porcupine on the water: the shark will be knocked out.
Use the loaded gun on the water to shoot the shark.
Maximum possible points so far: 249
5. The Robots
Get into the water and surface near the Nautilus! Actually it is the NAUTILUS 1860, its construction date. Keep this number in mind. Climb up the stairs to the top and activate the control panel on the right. Sentry robots come flying out, so Mina retreats to Granite House.
Arm your bow and arrows and dive back in. Climb the Nautilus stairs again, aim for the robot's green thruster, and fire: that will destroy it. (+7)
You can shoot down robots by using either the gun (3 points each) or the bow (7 points each). Using the bow is harder and you have to aim slightly higher than where you want to hit, but it's obviously worth it point-wise. If a robot kills you, the game automatically reloads from the previous screen, so there's no need to save your game every other minute.
Return to Granite House. Find the cannon in the second room to the left. From the window you see a robot hovering on the beach. Load the cannon with gunpowder or guncotton, nails or iron filings, and the cannonball. Close the tray and click on the wick. You have infinite tries to shoot down the robot. +11
The following steps can be done in any order. There are two main routes: leave Granite House via the lake and make your way to the beach or the other way around. This walkthrough follows the latter route, which I think is more logical.
Use the rope ladder on the large vine in Granite House. Climb down to the beach and collect the thruster +1 left by the robot you just cannoned down.
Go to the boat wreck, where you got the driftwood at the beginning of the game, and find another damaged key there +1.
Head for the oyster pond archway and shoot the robot there. This one is fast, so it may take a while. Collect another thruster +1 and also a damaged key +1.
Proceed toward the slope and the broken robot. Click on it to open a control panel and a puzzle: four letters to be matched with four digits. Many of these letters are also part of the word NAUTILUS, so number them according to their order in that word: N=1, A=2, U=3, T=4, I=5, L=6, U=7, S=8. As the U is both at positions 3 and 7, either digit will do. When a letter does not belong to the word NAUTILUS, assign a 0 to it.
Example: UUAS = either 7728 or 3328. TUSS = 4388, LNAI = 6125, LNAX = 6120, etc. Letters are generated randomly.
The puzzle is worth +10. Then grab the thruster +1 and damaged key +1.
Go up the slope toward the inland, but lasers are in the way...
Steel chain + metal fork = lightning arrester. +1
Jep + dynamite. +1
Jep + screwdriver. +1
You can use dynamite on the fusebox to blow it up (no points) or the lightning arrester on the laser beam to interrupt it (+5). Either allows you to pass. Or you can use Jep + screwdriver on the fusebox and solve a puzzle to deactivate the laser manually. Solving the puzzle gives you bonus points even if you stop the lasers otherwise, so stop the laser with the lightning arrester and then solve the puzzle anyway for even more points.
Dave McB has found that the fusebox puzzle gets you more points if you do it with very few clicks. Follow his walkthrough to solve the puzzle in just four clicks! +11
The next robot is at the rope bridge. You could sneak up to it and shoot it, but there's a better way. Go to the wheat field. A storm is brewing, and you read in the islanders' papers that a kite can be used to catch lightning...
Sailor's shirt + roll of wire + small bamboo shots = kite. +1
Combine Jep + kite +1 and use them on the pole by the maple tree: a lightning will electrify the wire and destroy the robot that is touching it +10. Go back to the rope bridge, where the robot lies in pieces, and pick up its damaged key +1 and thruster +1.
Go back to the wheat field. Another robot is in the pine grove, but don't go there: get to the windmill via the kiln instead. You can shoot the robot from there (+3 or +7), but it's better to use the dynamite or the large branch hanging overhead +10.
For the explosive solution, just use the dynamite on the robot.
For the cunning solution, aim for the vine that's holding the branch up and shoot it down with your bow and arrow.
Go down the stairs to collect this robot's damaged key +1 and thruster +1.
Last robot: go past the maple tree, down to the lake, and shoot this one too +7. Collect thruster +1 and damaged key +1 as usual.
Now you can return to the Granite House via the back-route at the lake, and from there proceed down the hole and back to the Nautilus.
Maximum possible points so far: 343
6. The Nautilus
Climb up on the Nautilus deck:
Mysterious key + screwdriver = empty key. +1
Each damaged key + screwdriver = crystals. +1
Four crystals + empty key = working key. +1
Use the working key on the Nautilus control panel to gain access. Another puzzle. The key here is the number 1860: to enter the correct code, add 1 to the first given digit, 8 to the second, 6 to the third, and 0 to the fourth. +10
Example: 7143 would result in 8903, because 7+1=8, 1+8=9, 4+6=0, and 3+0=3. Likewise, 1225 would be 2085. And of course, 0000 is 1860.
Go downstairs and into the Nautilus. Metal bars block the way. There's a lever on the far right wall. Combine Jep+thruster +1 and use him on the lever: he will flip a switch to raise the bars.
Go to the collapsed door on the other side of the room and use two thrusters on it to raise it. Don't go down the stairs yet. Turn around and notice that the metal plank lying on the ground is clickable now: click on it to make a bridge and use the bridge to reach the upper-level door.
Yet another puzzle. Fiddle around with the pieces until you get an "N" engraved in rusty metal. It's not hard once you get a hold of it: it just takes time. When you've made it, a hole will open that leads down to a cabin underneath. +10
Again, Dave McB has found that you only get 10 points if you make no mistakes. The first picture below shows you which loose tiles go where; the second tells you know how many times to click on the existing tiles to rotate them; and the third shows the completed puzzle.
Don't jump down into Captain Nemo's cabin. Instead, go down to the stairs under the door raised by the thrusters. This last numerical puzzle is easy. The four digits to choose are obviously 1860. As for the letters, in each screen choose the only one contained in the word NAUTILUS. For example, if you see XYKD QSFG, you must choose S. If there are two, either will do. Solve the puzzle and enter Captain Nemo's cabin. +10
Ignore the robot. Look under the sofa by the door and get a pearl. +1 Move the metal plank blocking the shelves and place the pearl on the wine-red case. +1
Captain Nemo's safe is on the far left corner. To open it, you must rotate the squares to get a big N in the center. +5
Again, follow Dave McB's accurate instructions to solve this panel in the quickest possible way. Click button 2 thrice, 8 thrice, 7 once, 12 once, 7 once, 1 twice, 5 thrice, and 1 once. But contrarily to previous puzzles, this one only gives 5 points regardless of how well you solve it.
Pull the two levers inside the safe to open the window screens.
The robot's sensors are broken and it isn't sure whether or not you are Captain Nemo, so you'll have to prove that you "are." You can do so by either answering a few questions or by solving a musical puzzle. The puzzle gives you ten points and the questions give you none, so if you're after points I suggest you do the puzzle. Regardless, below are the answers to the questions.
Questions. Click on the robot. It will offer a series of riddles. The answers are objects around the room that you must click on. You must answer five questions correctly out of seven. Here's some of the most common Q/A:
"a lifesaving animal" = dolphin
"brightest pearl" = pearl found under the sofa
"rarest shell" = third shell from the right, by the safe
"correspondence" = pile of letters in the safe
"creature that only drinks water" = sponge
"nose like a sword" = swordfish
"four wings" = dragonfly
"this miraculous device" = sextant
"graceful as its big brother" = seahorse
"its silvery substance" = mercury barometer
"ivory daggers" = shark teeth
"measures distance and time both" = chronometer
"misty clouds" = storm glass
"five teeth for grazing" = sea urchin
"Nemo's most treasured belonging" = family portrait in the safe
"the respected master" = Aristotle's The Poetics
"the Spaniards stole it" = Aztec scepter
"twinkling stars" = starfish
To answer the question asking the oldest weapon, combine Jep with clay and use him on the plaques right behind the robot. That allows you to find out that the oldest weapon is the club. This also gives you a bonus point.
The musical puzzle. You don't need to know how to read music in order to solve this, though it does help. Use the musical score on the light wooden stand above the piano keyboard. Use the blue lever. The organ will play a tune. It is made of three slightly different scales, plus a finale. Iit's the music you've been hearing as a soundtrack since you entered Captain Nemo's cabin. The point is to be able to play the tune so that the robot is convinced that you are Captain Nemo.
The keys must be played in this sequence: 9, 11, 7, 4, 11 (first scale) 9, 11, 7, 3, 11 (second scale) 9, 11, 7, 1, 11 (third scale) 10, 15, 6, 10, 1, 3 (conclusion)
It only takes a little practice and patience. The reason why the conclusion must be played on the black keys only is right here. (Thanks to MaGtRo and Mordack's for this puzzle's solution!) +10
If you solve either puzzle (musical or questions), the robot will be convinced you are Captain Nemo and follow your orders to lower the shield surrounding the island and blocking all outgoing communication. It's over! Mina can call her mother and have a rescue team sent to the island to pick her and Jep up.
Congratulations! You beat "Return to Mysterious Island."
Maximum possible points: 393