Part Seven
Life Support and Power Plant
Life Support
Listen to the conversations with Elazar, January, and Mikhaila Ilyushin. Kill two etheric phantoms: one is near the Atmosphere Control door and the other is upstairs.
In the Med Bay is a cystoid nest. If you the cook still lives, there's a recycler charge on the operator dispenser: you can shoot it from the hallway to get rid of the cystoids.
Clear the entire upper floor, including the Atmosphere Control area.
Clear the escape pod foyer and the Water Treatment Facility area.
Exit to the Power Plant.
Enter the restrooms. The note on Alton Weber's corpse indicates there's a stash near the escape pods.
Lift or recycle the grate. Get the Security Keycard in the shaft below, then follow it through to the other side.
Enter the maintenance hatch on the right. Get Tobias Frost's Transcribe and the Psychoactive Particle Injector to begin the Psychic Water side objective.
From Erica Teague's corpse get her Transcribe and the Security Station Safe keycode. Inside the booth, read the emails on the terminal to begin the Missing Engineer side objective. Also get a neuromod from the safe.
Enter via the locker rooms. Kill a corrupted operator. Lift or recycle the crate blocking the maintenance shaft.
Kill a thermal phantom and a corrupted operator by the Air Filtration Control Room. Patch the leaking pipes and go in. Find Jean Faure's Transcribe inside.
Kill another thermal phantom and corrupted operator by the Oxygen Flow Control Room. Enter via the side hatch; lift, jump, or gloo your way up to it, as in the pic.
Inside, kill a poltergeist and a corrupted operator. Find a chipset in the shelves and then get the Storage Room Keycode from a sticky note.
Instead of taking the grav shaft to go downstairs, jump/glide down and land on top of the large pipe on the left. Get the Air Mixture Regulator Fab Plan from Max Weigel-Goetz's corpse. This will be needed later.
Kill a corrupted operator near the Fabricator. Open the Storage Room with the code you got upstairs. Inside, find three neuromods and the super-useful Nullwave Transmitter Fab Plan.
Crouch under the catwalk in the hallway leading to the escape pods. Find a chipset and some useful loot.
Inside the escape pod foyer, kill an etheric phantom and Kirk Remmer's phantom; read his Transcribe, too.
Where is Remmer? Killing Remmer will finish this side objective, which however you won't get until later.
Repair the third pod at right, if you can. The medkit is a disguised greater mimic. Find a chipset on the corpse.
In the middle pod at left, get Emily Carter's Transcribe from her corpse: this begins the Drunk Tank side objective.
Kill two corrupted operators in the hallway leading to Water Treatment. Enter via the maintenance hatch on the walkway above, where the second operator was.
Inside, kill a Technopath and its turrets, plus another corrupted operator that's on the catwalk at left.
If you want and can, repair the electrical junction under the stairs; then turn on the power from the console. Find a chipset on Cynthia Dringus' corpse.
Kill a voltaic phantom in the Monitoring Station. The pass for Price Broadway's terminal is on a note in the supply crate. Unlock eel processing from the terminal.
The crate by Abigail Foy's terminal holds a chipset.
Destroy a corrupted operator in the Water Quality Lab.
Psychic Water. Place the particle injector in the slot. If it doesn't work, which is a known bug, drop it and pick it up again and it should work.
Kill another voltaic phantom downstairs in the Water Processing room. Click "Harvest Eels" on the terminal to release dead eels... and Price Broadway's corpse (with a neuromod on it) and the great mimic that killed him.
This completes the Drunk Tank objective.​
Treasure Hunt. Find the number "3" in the corner by the Recycler, corresponding to Hordinbaffle's map that you got in the Arboretum. See full guide here.
Use the Recycler and/or the Fabricator before exiting to the Power Plant.
No Needles.​ There is no working Recycler or Fabricator in the next area, so I recommend stocking up on ammo, throwables, and whatever else you might need before you proceed.
Power Plant
If you haven't killed it already, outside the windows is a Telepath you can scan to unlock further typhon abilities.
Toss an item (or Kinetic Blast) inside the security booth to kill the cystoids. If you have Hacking II, access the terminal and unlock the engineering doors from the Utilities tab.
Enter Engineering via the door or the maintenance hatch above the operator dispenser on the right.​
Clear each floor in turn: top, middle, bottom.
Speak to Mikhaila on the middle floor.
Reboot the station from the control room on the bottom floor.
Find Mikhaila's booster shots in space.
Return to Life Support.
Kill two greater mimics, usually disguised as explosive canisters. Listen to Lan Nguyen's Transcribe from her corpse.
Repair the broken grounding resistor and plug it in the panel to power up the engineering offices.
No Needles. Use a functioning resistor instead, which is in the Parts Storage Room on the middle floor.
Use Mimic Matter on a small item to enter the Monitoring Station via the open window in the middle.
No Needles. You must use the door on the right. Stand at the threshold, lean in slightly, and gloo the electrical junction before it zaps you.​
Listen to Emmanuel Mendez's Transcribe that's by his terminal. Let two greater mimics fry on the electrified floor.
Jump over to the balcony on the opposite side. Kill a poltergeist and some cystoids, ideally from a distance.
From Duncan Krassikoff's body get neuromod, a chipset, and his Transcribe, which has the code for Parts Storage.
This large area has a voltaic phantom, three phantoms, and about a dozen mimics. Kill them all.
Recommended strategy: go right and "save" the turrets from the incoming voltaic phantom by tossing a nullwave​/Psychoshock at it, then let the turret kill all the mimics. The phantoms will come at you from all angles, so go look for them instead.
Enter the Parts Storage Room with the code that you got upstairs. I recommend placing a turret at the door and let it kill as many disguised mimics as possible: there are 6-7.
Inside the room, find a neuromod and loot. There's also a few working Grounding Resistors to fix the offices power panel upstairs. Drop down through the broken floor.
There's a crawlspace running around the coolant chamber that holds a neuromod and a disguised greater mimic.
Find Talia Brooks' corpse behind the wall of fire next to the large door. Listen to her Transcribe and then get a neuromod and the Coolant Chamber Keycard.
Enter Coolant Chamber control. Kill a phantom. Speak to Mikhaila in the offices and get three neuromods.
Mikhaila Ilyushin. You can only get her ​booster shots after the station lockdown is lifted.
Kill two disguised greater mimics by the grav shafts, one as a tripod and one as a medkit.
Take the right-hand grav shaft down. Before you enter the huge Core Reactor chamber, look up and to your right: there is a corpse trapped near the grav shat. Shoot it to bring it down.
Go down a floor to the far right. Open the gate and gloo your way up via the metal beams, climbing on the gloo blobs until you reach the room at the very top.
Kill a phantom and a mimic. Get a neuromod from the red supply crate and another from Jean Faure's corpse.
Missing Engineer.​ From Jean Faure, also get the Atmosphere Control Room Keycard.
Go down two more floors on the same side to the crashed elevator. Get a neuromod and a Reactor Access Keycard from Nicholas Stillwater's corpse. There's also a working Diverter here: throw it downstairs for later use.
Another keycard is on Guy Croal's body on the 2nd floor of the ​catwalks all around the main reactor.
Repair the grav shaft, the Recycler, and the Fabricator if you can. If not, you will have another way to exit later.
Enter the Reactor Control Booth with the keycard, or by lifting the ajar panel from the roof with Leverage II.
Click "Access Safety Switches" on the terminal. The six switches must be pulled in the correct order: start from outside and work your way in, and do it on both sides.
When the reboot is interrupted, go out, access the core with the power button by the glass doors, and kill the cystoids. Fix the diverter or replace it with a good one.
Return to the booth and finish the reboot.
Two technopaths + turrets, and two corrupted operators, appear. Let one Technopath fly away and kill the other.
Kill a disguised mimic by the Recycler and one in the Secure Storage Room; there's very little loot otherwise.
Perdition. You can access the corridor under the core via the button in the hatch by the glass doors. This is ​where you can insert the arming keys later.
Return upstairs via the grav shaft or by climbing the broken stairs. There's a neuromod and three disguised mimics on the broken catwalks near the stairs.
The airlock is now unlocked, so you can space-walk and get Mikhaila's booster shots from her office.
Mikhaila Ilyushin.​ Once out the airlock, turn around and fly up, as in the picture above. Kill a Telepath and go right. Find the shots in a file cabinet in the corner of the first office, the one with two cystoid nests.
Grab a neuromod that's floating around in this room, plus two more in the hallway just outside. The other office has minor loot (three PSI Hypos and little else).
Go back inside and inject Mikhaila with the medicine. You will meet her in your office later.
The Coolant Chamber is now flooded with gas. You can only use your Wrench and any non-energy typhon abilities (such as Psychoshock or Phantom Shift... although, for some reason, Kinetic Blast doesn't trigger an explosion). Kill three phantoms and repair the broken junctions, which are at random spots around the coolant chamber.
No Needles. Since yo​u can't repair the junctions, just run through this room on your way to the exit.
There's two disguised mimics on your way up. One is typically next to an explosive canister, so shoot carefully.
Go all the way back to the start and return to Life Support.
Life Support (again)
A lot of typhon have respawned here:
Water Filtration. A technopath, a corrupted operator, and two voltaic phantoms.
Downstairs foyer and escape pods. A weaver and an operator in the foyer; an etheric phantom in the pods.
Upstairs foyer and lobby access. A thermal phantom, an etheric phantom, several mimics, and an operator. If you're very very lucky, the etheric and a couple of mimics will come down to you via the grav shaft and you can shoot them like fish in a barrel as they're emerging from it.
Atmosphere Control. Two thermal phantoms and two corrupted operators.
Missing Engineer.​ Access the closet in the Air Filtration Control Room by using Jean Faure's keycard. All you get as a reward for this whole thing is one lousy neuromod...
Return to the Talos I Lobby from the main door near the security office.
Talos I Lobby (again)
Meet Mikhaila and Igwe in your office. Speak to Mikhaila to acquire her second side objective, Mikhaila's Father.
I recommend you begin covering up every operator dispenser you find with bulky items. While this is surely easier with Leverage I-II-III, as you can lift large cabinets, any supply crates and cardboard boxes will do. This will prevent military operators from constantly respawning during the later phases of the game.