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Guide: "Mass Effect 2" (2010) mission order

Updated: May 20, 2021

This is my recommended order of missions for best narrative effect.

  • Cerberus station, Freedom's Progress, Normandy.

  • Normandy crash site. First thing the new Shepard would do is visit her old ship and collect the dog tags. Also a quick 200 XP.

  • Visit citadel. See Anderson, get reinstated (or not), do some side assignments for quick leveling.

  • Kasumi's recruitment. On the citadel: one dialogue to unlock Kasumi in squad.

  • Zaeed's recruitment. On Omega: one dialogue to unlock Zaeed in squad.

  • Mordin's recruitment. Go to Omega right away as suggested by Illusive Man. Bring Miranda and Jacob. Mordin will be useful story-wise and is a great squad member too.

  • Kasumi's loyalty. XP, 60k creds, tech upgrade, unlocks Flashbang Grenade, and you find the Locust, the best SMG in the game, crucial for all non-Soldier classes. Also check out the party dialogue for some hints on future missions.

  • Firewalker. Irrelevant story-wise, but 625 XP, 30k creds, and 10% biotic upgrade. Plus a cool Prothean sphere in Shep's cabin.

  • Garrus recruitment. Shep needs the old buddy. Mordin and Miranda for best powers; Mordin and Zaeed for best story (but too bad that Zaeed only has one line in a mission full of Blue Suns mercs).

  • Grunt recruitment. Garrus and Miranda for dual Overload against many shields. No mission-specific story dialogue.

  • Jack recruitment. Garrus and Miranda for dual Overload against lots of shields. Garrus also has some cool dialogue as a former cop.

  • Horizon. Mordin and Miranda. Important story-wise to have your leads, and Warp and Incendiary are useful against Scions and the Praetorian.

  • Lair of the Shadow Broker. This is often done later in the game, but: (1) if Liara was the ME1 love interest, Shep should go see her as soon as possible; (2) even if not, the Shadow Broker ship becomes a hub and source of upgrades, as well as the ability to retrain squad powers. Bring Miranda when you can, but Liara is your best squad mate here with her Singularity.

  • Tali recruitment. Miranda and Garrus for dual Overload against Geth shields.

  • Thane recruitment. Nothing story- or gameplay-wise. Bring who you like.

  • Samara recruitment. Nothing story- or gameplay-wise. Bring who you like.

  • One random mission so the game unlocks the next one. I usually do Miranda's loyalty at this stage. No particular squad member suggested.

  • Collector ship. Mordin and Miranda for a main story mission. Also Incendiary and Warp. Remember to pick up a weapon specialization or the Widow rifle. The latter is especially useful for Infiltrators: with the Cloak damage bonus, it can one-shot many mid-level enemies even on Insanity.

  • Loyalty missions as they unlock: Jacob, Mordin, Grunt, Tali, Garrus, Thane. Bring Grunt for Mordin's mission and Mordin for Grunt's. Bring Garrus for Tali's, best if with Area Overload. Other squads at your leisure.

  • Jack loyalty. Miranda for good Cerberus-specific dialogue. Need high paragon or renegade at the end if Miranda is loyal. If you screw it up, you may still fix it later.

  • Samara loyalty. Need high paragon or renegade to resist Morinth. At any rate, pick Samara at the end for better continuity through ME3.

  • Zaeed loyalty. Nothing story- or gameplay-wise. Bring who you like. If going the paragon route, you need a very high score to save the workers and keep Zaeed loyal, which is why this is best done as late as possible.

  • Derelict Reaper. Story-wise, Tali and Miranda have by far the best dialogue. Gameplay-wise, on Insanity you should bring someone who can deploy broad attacks with a level 4 power: Jacob with Pull, Tali with Attack Drone, Jack with Shockwave, Zaeed with Inferno Grenade, or Mordin with Cryo Blast. If you have Throw, be sure you have level 4 Throw Field, a lifesaver against husk hordes, particularly at the end.

  • Legion loyalty. Tali for obvious reasons. Also two AI Hacking is better than one! Two requirements: (1) delete the heretics; (2) keep both Tali and Legion loyal through a high paragon or renegade score. These are essential to the best outcomes in ME3.


  • Suicide mission. Your squad: Miranda and Mordin throughout, both for story and gameplay; Thane is a good option too, but he has no good lines. Second team leader: Garrus or Jacob. Tech specialist: Tali, Kasumi, or Legion. Biotic specialist: Samara or Jack. Escort: anyone, but it must be Mordin if you don't take him with you.

  • Overlord. Legion and Tali. Doesn't matter story-wise (except for one line about Legion), but these are best against geth anyway.

  • Arrival. Absolute last thing to do before Mass Effect 3. No squad mates.


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