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Part Three
Psychotronics  and  G.U.T.S.


  • Repair or gloo the electric junction. There's a disguised mimic at the bottom of the reactor casing just ahead, plus another disguised as a cardboard box near security.

  • To open the security booth, smash the glass with a wrench and aim for the terminal with the boltcaster: one dart to open the Utilities tab + one to click the Unlock button.

  • Grab the turrets inside the booth: they'll be useful here.


  1. Acquire the Psychoscope and the neuromods licenses objective in the director's office.

  2. Return to the Neuromod Division and fix the neuromod licenses problem.

  3. Clear Labs A and B in Psychotronics.

  4. Rescue the prisoner in Psychotronics.

  5. Leave to the G.U.T.S.

  • Kill Crispin Boyer's phantom and a mimic inside the first locker room, then go over to the other locker room.

  • Go through the breach. Four mimics will come out from behind the gloo'd wall: kill them or have a turret do it.

  • Get the Psychoschope from the corpse. Now you can install chipsets. Mimic Detection Gen 1 comes with it.

  • Toss a recycle charge on the nearby cargo (or lift it with Leverage III) to acquire a neuromod and another chipset. Most chipsets from now on are randomized, except for a few that will be noted as needed.

  • Return upstairs, deal with a new phantom that just spawned, and take the grav shat up to Psychotronics proper.

  • In the foyer, calibrate the Psychoscope by scanning three phantoms in the vertical holding tanks in the center. This unlocks Kinetic Blast, the first available typhon ability.

    • Split Affinity. To finish the game using only human abilities, obviously don't get this or any other typhon-based abilities. To finish it using only typhon abilities, instead, this is the first one that you're able to install.​ Remember that to get this achievement you must finish the game twice, once with each ability set.

  • You can get up above the large tanks hanging over the foyer. Climb up the holding tanks with the phantoms, then on to the railing on the Labs B side. From there, jump up to the tanks. Four explosive canisters drop down: they're all disguised mimics, so shoot freely. There's another corpse inside the ceiling, plus some loot.



  • Enter Kelstrup's office from one of the gloo'd windows.

  • From his body, get Hans Kelstrup's Cabin Keycard and Director Kelstrup's Office Keycard. From his safe, get two neuromods + the Neuromod Fab Plan. The  key code to Kelstrup's safe is random; Alex will tell you.

  • From his terminal, unlock the Looking Glass room. A cabinet slides down to reveal it. Inside, find Kelstrup's Transcribe and some loot, including a chipset.

  • Touch the green dot three times to trigger a jump scare and a phantom coming down the stairs.

  • I recommend that you return to the Neuromod Division right away and finish the Copy Protection objective. This unlocks the ability to fabricate as many neuromods as you have materials for, so obviously it's very important. If you're going for No-Needles, you can still benefit from the loot in that area of the Division, so you should still go.



  • Go through the main door, then left to Labs A. In the MedBay is Helen Barker-Combs' phantom + a mimic.

    • Most MedBays​ have fabrication plans for trauma-related meds: this one has Anti-Rad Fab Plan.

  • Break down the gloo wall to Annelise Gallegos' office. Dispose of five mimics + two phantoms that show up. Listen to her Transcribe and start the Whistleblower objective. Get a neuromod from her desk.



  • There are three disguised mimics in the main lab with all the sticky notes, plus a phantom will drop in later.

  • Get neuromods and nullwave charges from Behavioral Biometrics. Scan the mimic in the test chamber. (You can get in via the test tubes with Mimic Matter, or by lifting the white board outside with Leverage I).

  • ​Listen to Rory Manion's Transcribe and get a weapon from near his corpse. The office nearby has some loot.

  • Listen to Mitsuko Tokaji's Transcribe for good lore. Open the office with the boltcaster as seen in this pic.



  • Scan the Weaver through the glass, then take a left into the hallway not full of fire.

  • Activate the terminal to finish the experiment that was in progress at the time of the typhon takeover.

  • The Weaver will create a Voltaic Phantom. Scan it. My recommendation is to toss a nullwave at its feet and use the Q-Beam as you walk or jump backwards. Voltaics are very tough and surprisingly quick, and they will short-circuit your weapon up close, so be careful.



  • Take the grav shaft down. Kill three disguised mimics, including two in the hallway and one in the lab.

  • Enter the morgue with the usual boltcaster trick after breaking the glass window. The nearby terminal says that the Engineering Operator enters the morgue at regular intervals, but this never worked for me.

  • Inside, get Sylvain Bellamy's Keycard from his body to advance The Corpse Vanishes objective. Also get the Morgue Keycard and two neuromods.



  • If you free the prisoner, he gives you the random code to the Armory. If you kill him, you gain exotic materials.

    • Save him for I and Thou; kill him for I and It.

    • You can still enter the Armory with Mimic Matter via the gloo'd up service window on the other side.

  • Get a neuromod and some weapons from the armory.

  • Listen to Kristine Lloyd's Transcribe (Million Dollar Caulk Gun). If you already patched up the leak during a spacewalk, you can go in. Kill a mimic and a phantom and grab exotic materials to fabricate neuromods with.

  • The access to the G.U.T.S. tunnel is guarded by two turrets. Let them kill 4-5 mimics and a phantom. If you have installed more than three typhon-based neuromods, the turrets will identify you as an alien. Toss an EMP charge in their direction to disable them. If you have Electrostatic Burst, one shot of that will do it, too.


  • Get the EMP Charge Fab Plan from Eric Berger's corpse and continue past the first junction: only minor loot here.

  • The second junction has cystoid nests and minor loot, so you can go quickly through this one too.

  • Once you get to the third junction, find Kimberly Bomo on the left by the blue pipe (see picture below) and get the Maintenance Tunnel Keycode from her corpse.


  1. Clear each section in turn. If you're playing with no powers and need to recycle, go back to the start frequently or use recycle charges.

  2. Get the keycard from Magnetosphere Control.

  3. Clear the rest of the G.U.T.S., including the Cargo Bay access and the Fuel Storage area.

  4. Leave to the Arboretum.

  • There's a neuromod in the monitoring station in the fourth junction. Repair the electrical panel at right to proceed.

    • No Needles.​ Use the inactive vent shaft on the right, past the propeller blades full of cystoids.



  • Enter from the grav door. Get Laurel Davis' Transcribe from her corpse. If you have Hacking III, also access her terminal, go to Utilities, click on "Deactivate" and then on "Grant Access" to open the supply closet.

    • The magnetosphere will reactivate when you leave it, so there's no problem...​

  • Enter the reactor, loot the closet for a neuromod, and grab the Maintenance Tunnel Keycard from Anders Kline's corpse. Also get the ARTX Gen 1 Chipset.

  • Return to the control room and destroy two corrupted operators. When the plasma shockwave hits, the only place that's safe from it is the restroom.

  • In the restroom, find the Magnetosphere Safe Code from a sticky note behind the toilet paper.

  • You can use the security terminal here to track down Josh Dalton for The Blackbox Project objective.

  • The MedBay is only accessible via Mimic Matter.

  • Use the keycard to open the hatch to the fifth and final junction, the maintenance tunnel proper. If you go right, it leads to the Cargo Bay; if you go left, it leads to the Arboretum.

  • For simplicity, keep the conveyor belts to your left when moving toward the Cargo Bay, and to your right when going toward the Arboretum. This will ensure that there is no confusion in the directions given in this guide.


  • Cargo Bay Access

    • Destroy the two floating radioactive containers with recycle charges. Turn left at the bend, getting rid of one more container and a cystoid nest. The supply crate here contains two neuromods.

    • Turn right into the long tunnel. Ahead are a Weaver, a Technopath, and two corrupted operators. There are two broken turrets in the nearest shipping container. Additionally, I recommend using nullwaves, recycle charges, and of course the Q-Beam.

    • Click here to return to the Hardware Labs guide for The Blackbox Project conclusion.

    • The storage area near the Cargo Bay entrance will be explored and discussed later, after clearing the Cargo Bay itself, since you will have to briefly return to the G.U.T.S. to finish the Trouble Processing side objective.



  • Scan the Thermal Phantom below, then kill it and the three mimics; one should be disguised as a medkit.

  • Repair the broken junction if you can, then turn the power back on via the button on the console.

  • Repair the Recycler if you can; the Fabricator already works. The GLOO Gun Fab Plan is lying next to it. There are a few recycle charges in this room, too.

  • Get the Fuel Storage Keycard from Brittany LaValley's corpse. Inside the supply closet are three neuromods.

  • The grav shafts lead to the Shuttle Bay, which you can explore whenever. See the Shuttle Bay guide here.

  • ​The number "1" stenciled on the wall by the Shuttle Bay access door is part of the Treasure Hunt objective, and it is associated with Melindra Shadowcorner's (Danielle Sho's) treasure map. See full guide here.

  • Arboretum Access

    • Fly back to where you entered this section of the G.U.T.S. Instead of reentering the service tunnel toward Psychothronics, go straight toward the Arboretum.

    • Kill a Weaver and several cystoid nests near the next junction. At left, find Josh Dalton's corpse floating next to a Q-Beam. Listen to his Transcribe and get the Blackbox Lab Keycard for The Blackbox Project objective.

    • Continue toward the Arboretum. Listen to the conversation between Sarah Elazar and Mikhaila Ilyushin. There is some loot in the access room right before the door to the Arboretum.



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